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Puppeteer - 如何在 setTimeout 内返回 page.evaluate 中的结果

[英]Puppeteer - how to return a result in page.evaluate within setTimeout

我正在使用 puppeteer 向底部滚动页面,当我按下一个键时,我想从 function 退出并返回结果。


const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
                                            headless: false,
                                            userDataDir: "C:\\Users\\johndoe\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default"
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.setViewport({
    width: 1920,
    height: 1080,
    deviceScaleFactor: 1,
  await page.goto('https://www.facebook.com/groups/0000000/members',{waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
  let rawMembers = await page.evaluate(() => { 

    const intervall = 3000;
    let stop = false;
    document.addEventListener('keypress', e => stop = true);  //press a key to exit

    let results = [];
    let i = 0;
    let pageHeigth = 0;
    let timerId = setTimeout(function tick() {

      if ((stop === false) && (document.body.scrollHeight > pageHeigth)){

        pageHeigth = document.body.scrollHeight  //save the current page heigth
        document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = pageHeigth;  //move the scroll to the end of the page (page visible size), this will couse new content to be loaded - virtula scroll)

        results.concat(pageHeigth);  //<--- it should be the results 

        timerId = setTimeout(tick, intervall);  //schedule a new timeout to repeat the function
        return results;

    }, intervall);
  //await browser.close();

您可以返回 Promise 并在计时器终止时解决它(另外,如其他答案中所述, concat()在这里不适合,您可以改用push ):

const rawMembers = page.evaluate(() => new Promise((resolve) => {
  const intervall = 3000;
  let stop = false;
  document.addEventListener('keypress', () => { stop = true; });

  const results = [];
  let pageHeigth = 0;
  let timerId = setTimeout(function tick() {
    if (stop === false && document.body.scrollHeight > pageHeigth) {
      pageHeigth = document.body.scrollHeight;
      document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = pageHeigth;


      timerId = setTimeout(tick, intervall);
    } else {
  }, intervall);

concat方法返回一个新数组。 它没有修改现有数组。 当您调用concat方法时,您需要将其分配给一个变量。 所以这可能会解决问题

results.concat(pageHeight) //instead of this

let finalResult = results.concat(pageHeight) // you need to do this

其他方式你的results数组总是空的,因为concat方法不修改数组。 这是文档。 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/concat#return_value



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