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testing-library 错误:mockConstructor(…): 没有从渲染返回

[英]testing-library Error: mockConstructor(…): Nothing was returned from render

我正在编写许多测试,但对于其中一个,我得到了 mockConstructor 错误,告诉我我没有渲染任何东西。 (在“reconcileChildFibers”:node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:14348:23))

"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^4.2.4",
"@testing-library/user-event": "^7.1.2",


const DeleteModal: React.FC<IDMProps> = ({ out, setOut, deleteModal, setDeleteModal, name, externalId }) => {
  const [sending, setSending] = React.useState<boolean>(false);

  const handleDelete = async (e: React.FormEvent) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 300);

  return (
    <div className="modal light">
      <div className={out ? "delete-modal out" : "delete-modal"} >
        <div className="flex-end">
          <FontAwesomeIcon icon="times" size="2x" color="#e9e4dd" className="cursor"
            onClick={() => setDeleteModal(!deleteModal)} />
        <div className="p-30">
          <p>Are you sure you want to</p>
          <p>delete the reward</p>
          <p>{name.toUpperCase()} ?</p>
          <button data-testid="button" onClick={handleDelete}>
            {sending ?
              <Loader type="ThreeDots" color="white" height="20" width="20" />
              "YES DELETE"

这是我的两个测试,只有第一个有效,第二个被卡住了 fireEvent: Uncaught [Error: mockConstructor(...): Nothing was returned from render. 这通常意味着缺少 return 语句。 或者,不渲染任何内容,返回 null。]

describe("delete modal as a forms component", () => {

  it("should leave modal when clicking on right cross", async () => {
    const { getByText } = render(
        out={false} setOut={setOut}
        deleteModal={true} setDeleteModal={setDeleteModal}
        name={name} externalId={externalId} />
    getByText("BEAUTY ?"); // OK
    getByText("YES DELETE"); // OK
    await act(async () => {
      fireEvent.click(document.getElementsByClassName('cursor')[0]); // OK

  it("when clicking on button, should delete reward, adding 'out' className for animation purpose then leave modal", async () => {
    const { getByText, getByTestId } = render(
        out={false} setOut={setOut}
        deleteModal={true} setDeleteModal={setDeleteModal}
        name={name} externalId={externalId} />);
    getByText("YES DELETE"); // OK
    await act(async () => {
      fireEvent.click(getByText("YES DELETE")); //Error
      fireEvent.click(getByTestId("button")); //also Error


jest.mock('react-loader-spinner', () => {
  return {
    __esModule: true,
    A: true,
    default: () => {
      return <div>This is the loader</div>;


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