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我如何知道哪些是 WSO2 关键安全更新?

[英]How do I know which are the WSO2 critical security updates?

当我启动 WSO2 API Manager 时,我收到以下通知:

There are 177 updates available for the product 'wso2am-3.2.0'.[WARNING] There
are 13 critical security updates for the product 'wso2am-3.2.0'. WSO2 strongly
recommends to apply these updates in production as soon as possible.

WSO2 不捆绑安全更新,所以我前往 GitHub 问题。 问题是,如果我 go 到安全标签,我看不到任何与 3.2.0 版本相关的内容: https://github.com/wso2/product-apim/issues?q=label%3Asecurity+is% 3A关闭

有一个“对 3.2.0 至关重要”: https://github.com/wso2/product-apim/issues?q=label%3ASeverity%2FCritical+label%3AAffected%2F3.2.0

还有两个使用这个已弃用的标签: https://github.com/wso2/product-apim/issues?q=label%3ASeverity%2FCritical+label%3A3.2.0

因此,您似乎需要做的是查看 4.0 里程碑并挑选那些修复并向后移植它们。

有没有我缺少的标签? 有人捆绑这些吗?




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