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使用 node.js 构建的 Cron 作业

[英]Cron Jobs built using node.js

Our team is building cron jobs using node.js to sync up address records from DB2 database into elastic search,they are feeling node.js is not supported for these high intensity cron jobs which need to sync up nearly 21 million records from DB2 into elastic search,they are frequently facing some high memory issues and not able to resolve them,these memory issues lead to termination of the cron jobs without the syncup not happening properly,they feel we could have developed the application using Java,is this true is node.js inferior to java,不能用于开发高性能 cron 作业吗??谢谢各位,此应用程序的现有实现内置于 Java 和 ZCB1F008EEBF5012C4EF9 A2C36E574D61Z has been used as an ORM tool,since we are rebuilding it in node.js i have asked them to use SQLAlchemy which is a python based ORM but still there is a lot of hue and cry about using Java and hibernate,how good is SQL Alchemy针对 Java hibernate 需要你的想法


已知 Java 是一个内存占用者,因此回答了 Java 部分。

Node.js 肯定更好,但如果你真的需要高性能代码,你将不得不降低 go - Golang 更好,c++ 更好。

关于您的性能问题,如果查询时间和数量不是问题,您应该避免一次性抓取大型数据集。 当您查询大型内容时,整个响应现在将驻留在内存中,直到您销毁结果。 对于迁移,最好对小块数据进行循环,这将减少 memory 压力。


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