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什么是 instance.constructor.constructor 以及它是如何工作的?

[英]What is instance.constructor.constructor and how does it work?

function Person(name) {
    this.name = name;

let person1 = new Person("Eve");

person1.constructor; // Output: ƒ Person(name) {}

person1.constructor.constructor; // Output: ƒ Function() { [native code] }

person1.constructor.constructor("console.log(1)"); // Output: ƒ anonymous() {console.log(1)}

person1.constructor.constructor("console.log(1)")(); // Output: 1

有人可以帮我理解person1.constructor.constructorperson1.constructor.constructor("console.log(1)")person1.constructor.constructor("console.log(1)")()吗? 我不明白输出。

实例的.constructor属性指向与内部原型关联的 function。 如您所见, person1.constructor为您提供Person ,因为person1是使用new Person创建的( person1的内部原型是Person.prototype

什么是Person 这是一个 function。 The .constructor of a function will be the function associated with the internal prototype of that function - that is, the constructor associated with Function.prototype , which is Function , the function constructor:

 function Person(name) { this.name = name; } let person1 = new Person("Eve"); console.log(person1.constructor.constructor === Function);

您可以将字符串传递给new Function以从中创建函数。




它返回一个 function ,调用时记录 1。

 const fn = Function("console.log(1)"); console.log(fn); fn();


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