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是否可以使用 select 查询从两个表中获取 PK 并将这些 PK 的值插入另一个将它们作为 FK 的表中?

[英]Is it possibly to use a select query that gets the PK from two tables and inserts the values of those PK into another table that has them as FK?

嗨,正如我的问题所述,我想知道是否可以从两个表中获取一个 PK,然后将它们插入到另一个表中,在那里它们已经设置为 FK。 我目前有一个表单,它还可以将用户输入的数据插入到同一个表中。 例如我想要,用户从下拉菜单中选择他们想要的 rooID,输入 checkindate、checkoutdate、contactnumber 和预订附加信息。 然后将其与两个 FK 一起放入我的预订表中。 下面是我的预订表列,以帮助理解输入。

  • 预订ID(PK)
  • 登记日期
  • 离开日期
  • 联系电话
  • 预订附加服务
  • 客户表中的客户 ID (FK)
  • 房间表中的 roomID (FK)



include_once 'config.php';
$conn = mysqli_connect("", DBUSER, DBPASSWORD, DBDATABASE);
 $roomID = $_POST['rooID'];
 $checkindate = $_POST['checkindate'];
 $checkoutdate = $_POST['checkoutdate'];
 $contactnumber = $_POST['contactnumber'];
 $bookingextras = $_POST['bookingextras'];

 $query = "SELECT booking.bookingID, customer.customerID, room.roomID FROM ((booking
 INNER JOIN customer ON booking.customerID = customer.customerID)
 INNER JOIN room ON booking.roomID = room.roomID) WHERE roomID = ".$roomID;

 $result = $conn->query( $query );
 if( $result ) {
 $sql = "INSERT INTO booking (roomID, checkindate, checkoutdate, contactnumber, bookingextras, customerID)
 VALUES ('$roomID''$checkindate','$checkoutdate','$contactnumber','$bookingextras','$customerID')";
 if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {
    echo "New record created successfully !";
 } else {
    echo "Error: " . $sql . "
" . mysqli_error($conn);


<h2><a href='menu.php'>[Return to the main page]</a></h2>

<form method = "post" action = "bookproccess.php">
<label for = "rooID">Room: (name, type, beds): </label>
<select id = "rooID" name = "rooID" required>
<option name = "" value = "" disabled selected>Select</option>
<option name = "1" value = "1">Kellie, S, 5</option>
<option name = "2" value = "2">Herman, D, 2</option>
<option name = "3" value = "3">Scarlett, D, 2</option>
<option name = "4" value = "4">Jelani, S, 5</option>
<option name = "5" value = "5">Sonya, S, 4</option>
<option name = "6" value = "6">Miranda, S, 2</option>
<option name = "7" value = "7">Helen, S, 2</option>
<option name = "8" value = "8">Octavia, D, 3</option>
<option name = "9" value = "9">Bernard, D, 5</option>
<option name = "10" value = "10">Dacey, D, 1</option>

<label for="checkindate">Check in date: </label>
<input type="date" name="checkindate"required> 
<label for="checkout">Check out date: </label>
<input type="date" name="checkoutdate"required> 
<label for="contactnumber">Contact number: </label>
<input type="text" name="contactnumber" required> 
<label for="bookingextras">Booking extras: </label>
<input type="text" name="bookingextras" size="100" minlength="5" maxlength="200"  required> 

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
<a href="menu.php">[Cancel]</a>



似乎客户和房间之间存在多对多关系,这可以通过关联表 Bookings 解决。 Bookings 有 2 个外键 - 一个给客户,一个给房间。

通常,您想要的是位于客户主详细信息页面上,该页面可让您访问客户 ID - 详细信息是预订。

要添加预订,您需要引入一个已经知道主客户 ID 的行,然后在预订上下文中,您以某种方式引入一个固定的房间列表(带有房间 ID)。 这将取决于客户(一方/家庭)是否可以占用一个房间或多个房间。

当您提交要保存在数据库中的预订时,它已包含 CustomerID、Booking ID 和您需要的任何其他预订级别详细信息。


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