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当我使用 React 钩子和 React 上下文添加新帖子时,为什么我的 state 会替换我的帖子

[英]Why is my state replacing my posts when I add a new one using React hooks and React context

我正在创建一个新应用程序,我希望能够将更新发布给我的朋友。 一个微博网站。

我想学习如何使用 React 钩子和 React 的上下文 API 来更新应用程序。 我创建了以下提供程序,它将 state 作为值...我希望能够添加一个新帖子,然后更新该州的帖子,这样我就不必再次获取数据库(使用 firestore)我真的想为自己节省一个对数据库的调用......

Basically, when I call createNewPost within the state, I want to be able to update the current posts section of the state: state.posts but when I update the state after the API call is successful, my entire posts array gets replaced for some reason . 不知道我可能做错了什么......

import { createContext, useState } from 'react';
import { createDoc, getWhere } from '../utils/database/db';

export const PostDataContext = createContext();

const SetDataContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
    const [state, setState] = useState({
        posts: [],
        timelinePosts: [],
        createNewPost: async (collection, payload) => {
            const doc = await createDoc(collection, payload)
            payload.id = doc?.doc?.id;
            return doc;
        getPostsByUserId: async (userId) => {
            const dataReceived = await getWhere('/posts', userId, 'userId')
            setState({ ...state, posts: dataReceived })
    const updateStatePosts = (payload) => {
        console.log('why is state posts empty?!', state);
        setState({ ...state, posts: [payload, ...state.posts] })
    return <PostDataContext.Provider value={state}>

export default SetDataContextProvider;

如果我不得不猜测,我会说您在 state 中使用的updateStatePosts function 中有一个陈旧的初始空posts state 外壳。 您可以使用功能 state 更新来访问以前的 state 以进行更新。 功能 state 更新允许您从以前的 state 进行更新,而不是从 state 更新已排队/包含在其中。

const SetDataContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
    const [state, setState] = useState({
        posts: [],
        timelinePosts: [],
        createNewPost: async (collection, payload) => {
            const doc = await createDoc(collection, payload)
            payload.id = doc?.doc?.id;
            return doc;
        getPostsByUserId: async (userId) => {
            const dataReceived = await getWhere('/posts', userId, 'userId')
            setState(prevState => ({
                ...prevState, // <-- preserve any previous state
                posts: dataReceived

    const updateStatePosts = (payload) => {
        setState(prevState => ({ // <-- previous state to this update
            posts: [payload, ...prevState.posts],

    return <PostDataContext.Provider value={state}>

这个 function 是错误的:

const updateStatePosts = (payload) => {
        console.log('why is state posts empty?!', state);
        setState({ ...state, posts: [payload, ...state.posts] })

您为 state 正确使用了扩展运算符,但直接替换了posts 您可能想要使用以下setState

setState({ ...state, posts: [...payload,...state.posts] })

尽管如此,您还应该重构您的state 函数不是状态,所以将它们放在 state 之外。


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