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如何在来自另一个 class 的有状态小部件中触发 function(当 onUnityAdsFinish 时)?

[英]How to trigger a function in a stateful widget from another class (when onUnityAdsFinish)?

我在一个有状态的小部件中有一个游戏屏幕,其中包括一个 function,它可以让玩家后退一步(撤消上一步)。 当 onUnityAdsFinish() 从另一个小部件运行时,我想触发这个 function。

这是 game.dart 上的有状态小部件,在其中玩游戏:

class GameScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  GameScreenState createState() => GameScreenState();

class GameScreenState extends State<GameScreen> with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: <Widget>[
            // game content here
          child: Text("Tap Here to Watch Ad to Undo Move"),
          onPressed: () => unityBloc.showUnityAd(),
          // (side note: unityBloc is accessable because I have it declared as "final unityBloc = UnityBloc();" higher up the widget tree on app.dart.)

  // This is the function I want to call after the ad is finished.
  void undoMove() {
    setState(() {
      // code to undo move

当按下按钮观看广告时,它会在我的 UnityBloc class on unity_bloc.dart 中调用 showUnityAd() function:

import 'package:unity_ads_flutter/unity_ads_flutter.dart';

class UnityBloc with UnityAdsListener {
  showUnityAd() {
    UnityAdsFlutter.show('rewardedVideo').whenComplete(() => null);
  } // called when undo button is pressed on game.dart

  void onUnityAdsFinish(String placementId, FinishState result) {
    print("Finished $placementId with $result");
    // here is where I want to call the undoMove() function from game.dart

广告完美显示,并且 onUnityAdsFinish 中的打印语句在广告完成后打印到控制台,但我不知道此时如何调用 undoMove。


有人可以帮忙吗? 当 onUnityAdsFinish() 在 unity_bloc.ZBB14127678960FAE97D873950EA20156 上触发时,如何在 game.dart 上触发 undoMove() function? (或者他们是另一种/更好的方法吗?)


您可以在UnityBloc class 中拥有一个包含 function 的变量,并将showUnityAd undoMove以将其分配给变量,然后您可以在 onUnityAdsFinish 方法中调用它。


class UnityBloc with UnityAdsListener {
  void Function() doOnUnityAdsFinish;


  showUnityAd({@required unityAdsFinishFunction}) {
    doOnUnityAdsFinish = unityAdsFinishFunction;
  } // called when undo button is pressed on game.dart

  void onUnityAdsFinish(String placementId, FinishState result) {
   doOnUnityAdsFinish?.call(); //Only calls if the function is not null


          child: Text("Tap Here to Watch Ad to Undo Move"),
          onPressed: () => unityBloc.showUnityAd(unityAdsFinishFunction: undoMove ),   

最简单的方法是全局/静态变量(回调)或 ValueNotifier/Stream。 也许,更清洁的方法是一些 package 具有依赖注入功能,如( getget_it )。

class UnityBloc with UnityAdsListener {
  /// pass a callback into the constructor.
  /// Function<String,FinishState> onAdCompleted ;
  /// UnityBloc([this.onAdCompleted]);

  /// easier approach, not very "flexible".
  static Function<String,FinishState> onAdCompleted ;

  showUnityAd() {
    UnityAdsFlutter.show('rewardedVideo').whenComplete(() => null);
  } // called when undo button is pressed on game.dart

  void onUnityAdsFinish(String placementId, FinishState result) {
    onAdCompleted?.call(placementId, result); 
    // here is where I want to call the undoMove() function from game.dart

class GameScreenState extends State<GameScreen> with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {

  void initState(){
     UnityBloc.onAdCompleted = _onAddCompleted;

  void dispose(){
     if( UnityBloc.onAdCompleted == _onAddCompleted) {
         UnityBloc.onAdCompleted = null;

  void _onAddCompleted(String placementId, FinishState result) 
    => print("Finished $placementId with $result"); 

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: <Widget>[
            // game content here
          child: Text("Tap Here to Watch Ad to Undo Move"),
          onPressed: () => unityBloc.showUnityAd(),
          // (side note: unityBloc is accessable because I have it declared as "final unityBloc = UnityBloc();" higher up the widget tree on app.dart.)

  // This is the function I want to call after the ad is finished.
  void undoMove() {
    setState(() {
      // code to undo move


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