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如何将 @babel/preset-react 添加到 babel.config.js 的预设部分

[英]How do I add @babel/preset-react to the presets section of babel.config.js

我收到此错误“React - 将 @babel/preset-react ( https://git.io/JfeDR ) 添加到 Babel 配置的 'presets' 部分以启用转换”

这是我的 babel.config.js 中的预设部分:

    presets: [
  isTestEnv && [
      targets: {
        node: 'current'
  (isProductionEnv || isDevelopmentEnv) && [
      forceAllTransforms: true,
      useBuiltIns: 'entry',
      corejs: 3,
      modules: false,
      exclude: ['transform-typeof-symbol']


  (isProductionEnv || isDevelopmentEnv) && [
      forceAllTransforms: true,
      useBuiltIns: 'usage',
      corejs: '3',
      modules: false,
      exclude: ['transform-typeof-symbol']
      development: isDevelopmentEnv || isTestEnv,
      useBuiltIns: true

如果我没记错的话, bundle exec rails webpacker:install:react会将该位添加到babel.config.js

这里有一些有用的信息帮助我正确设置 webpacker: https://github.com/rails/webpacker/blob/v4.3.0/docs/webpack.md


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