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使用 MVVM 创建具有现有外部属性的 EF Core 实体

[英]Creating an EF Core entity with an existing foreign property with MVVM

我将 MVVM 与 EF Core 一起使用。 我有一个实体,该实体具有预先播种到数据库的外部属性,如下所示:

public class STOCK : EntityBase
    public string TEXT {get;set;}
    public decimal AMOUNT {get;set;}

    private TAX SALESTAX {get;set;}
    public int SALESTAX_ID {get;set;}

    private TAX SPECIALTAX {get;set}
    public int SPECIALTAX_ID {get;set;}

public class TAX
    public int TAXCODE {get;set;}
    public string NAME {get;set;}
    public ICollection<STOCK> STOCK_TAX {get;set;}
    public ICollection<STOCK> STOCK_SPECIAL {get;set}

public class EntityBase, INotifyPropertyChanged
    public int ID {get;set;}
    //The interface is fully implemented here. Removed for brevity.

在我的 ViewModel 上,我同时注入了StockDataServiceTaxDataService ,如下所示:

public class StockDataService : IStockDataService
    private readonly MyDbContextFactory _factory;
    public StockDataService(MyDbContextFactory factory)
        _factory = factory;

    public async Task<STOCK> Create(STOCK entity)
        using MyDbContext context = _factory.CreateDbContext();
        STOCK createdResult = await context.STOCKs.AddAsync(entity);
        return createdResult;
    } //Other CRUD methods are implemented as well, but removed for brevity.

public class TaxDataService : ITaxDataService
    private readonly MyDbContextFactory _factory;
    public TaxDataService(MyDbContextFactory factory)
        _factory = factory;

    public async Task<TAX> GetAll()
        using MyDbContext context = _factory.CreateDbContext();
        return await context.TAXs.ToListAsync();

我的观点有一个 combobox 如下:

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding TAXES}"
          SelectedValue="{Binding SALESTAX, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=Default}"  
          SelectedItem="{Binding SALESTAX}">
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0">
                <Border Padding="0,0,2,0" BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="LightGray">
                <Run Text="{Binding TAXCODE}"/>
                <Border Padding="2,0,0,0" BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="LightGray">
                <Run Text="{Binding TEXT}"/>


public class StockCrudViewModel
    private readonly IStockDataService _stockDataService;
    private readonly ITaxDataService _taxDataService;
    public STOCK CurrentStock {get;set;}

    public ICollection<TAX> TAXES {get;set;}

    public StockCrudViewModel(IStockDataService stockDataService, ITaxDataService taxDataService)
        _stockDataService = stockDataService;
        _taxDataService = taxDataService;


    private async void FillTaxesList()
        TAXES = new List<TAX>(await _taxDataService.GetAll());


await _stockDataService.Create(_stockCrudViewModel.STOCK);
//Both the data service as well as the scoped view model are passed via dependency injection to the command.


host.ConfigureServices((context, myServices) =>
         string connString = context.Configuration.GetConnectionString("default");
         Action<DbContextOptionsBuilder> configureDbContext = c => { c.UseMySql(connString); c.EnableSensitiveDataLogging(); };
         myServices.AddSingleton<MyDbContextFactory>(new MyDbContextFactory(configureDbContext));

现在,我明白为什么这样做会引发“尝试创建重复条目”异常,因为通过绑定设置SALESTAX属性将使用来自不同MyDbContext实例的TAX ,因此 EF Core 无法相应地跟踪它。 但是,由于我使用的是AddDbContext并传递工厂而不是上下文本身,因此每次调用数据服务方法之一时都会实例化一个新的上下文,我不确定如何让 EF Core 知道已经存在应使用的现有TAX条目。

根据如何使用已存在于 EF 核心中的子实体保存实体? ,他们建议使用用于创建新条目的相同上下文来获取现有条目。 但是如果我的实体有五个或更多的外国财产,那不会影响业绩吗? 还是我在规划 MVVM 架构时搞砸了?

还是我在规划 MVVM 架构时搞砸了?

是的。 MVVM 中 DbContext 的正确 scope 和生命周期位于 ViewModel 上。

这为您提供了 ViewModel 的单个 ChangeTracker 和工作单元,并使用Local Data启用数据绑定到加载的实体,这是一个 ObservableCollection。


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