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在当前页面上,如何从最后一个关键帧的导航栏元素中保留 animation?

[英]How can you keep an animation from a navbar-element on the last keyframe while on the current page?

我有一个自定义 animation ,当您使用 hover 时,一条链接从左到右流动(参见示例: https://jsfiddle45j/2/


一般来说,我对 web 开发完全陌生,因此我们将不胜感激。


我添加活动 class 的代码:

// Get the container element
var navbarContainer = document.getElementById("navbar");

// Get all navbar elements with class="navElement" inside the container
var navElement = navbarContainer.getElementsByClassName("navElement");

// Loop through the navbar elements and add the active class to the current/clicked button
for (var i = 0; i < navElement.length; i++) {
  navElement[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
    var current = document.getElementsByClassName("active");
    current[0].className = current[0].className.replace(" active", "");
    this.className += " active";


document.body.onload = function() {
// on page load
  document.querySelectorAll("#navbar a").forEach(a => {
//catch all links in navbar
    a.href === location.pathname ? a.classList.add("active") : a.classList.remove("active")
// if navbar link is the same as current loacation pathname add active class, if not remove it.


我希望你明白你可以简单地从家里删除活动的 class 并根据你所在的页面在 HTML 中放置一个当前链接......


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