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Powershell 如何将除新创建的文件之外的所有内容移动到另一个目录

[英]Powershell how to move everything but newly created file to another directory

我有一个目录,每天早上都会填充文本文件,它会生成一个 output 文件。 我还创建了一个Dump目录,该目录将填充用于创建 output 文件的文件。

我的问题是,如何将除 output 文件之外的所有内容移动到要删除的转储文件夹中? 我不太确定该怎么做。


# If the path does not exist, force it to create it
if(!(Test-Path $Path)) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Path 
    # New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $SOF
    # New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $EOF

if ($Path) {
    # Move-Item $PathWithFiles -Destination $Path # move (not copy) files into new directory to concat
    Get-ChildItem $PathWithFiles | ForEach-Object {    # Output all except first and last line of current file 
        Get-Content $_ | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Select-Object -SkipLast 1
        ''  # Output an empty line
    } | Add-Content $OutPutFile


$Path     = 'C:\RemoveFirst\*.txt'
$PathDump = 'C:\RemoveFirst\DumpARoo'
$Output   = 'C:\RemoveFirst\TestingFile.txt'

if(!(Test-Path -Path $PathDump)) {
    # create the folder if it does not yet exist
    $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory $PathDump
# move all *.txt items from 'C:\RemoveFirst\txt' to 'C:\RemoveFirst\DumpARoo'
# EXCEPT the output file itself
$moveThese =(Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter '*.txt' -File).FullName | Where-Object { $_ -ne $Output }
Move-Item -Path $moveThese -Destination $PathDump # move (not copy) files into new directory to concat
Get-ChildItem -Path $PathDump -Filter '*.txt' -File | ForEach-Object {
    $_ | Get-Content | 
    Select-Object -Skip 1 | 
    Select-Object -SkipLast 1 |
    Add-Content -Path $OutPut

为了移动所有 txt 文件,除了用于 output 的文件


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