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[英]Unable to render the button selected in react

我们可以在 onclick 事件中拥有两个函数吗? 这是我的代码:

import React from 'react';

class Counter extends React.Component {
    state = {
        count: 0,
        inc: 'Increment',
        dec: 'Decrement',
        rst: 'Reset',

    styles = {           //CSS styles into Js objects
        fontSize: 50,
        fontWeight: 'bold',
        margin: 25,

    buttonstyle = {
        padding: 10,
        margin: 15,
        fontSize: 25,

    buttonChange = () => {
        if (this.state.button.id === 1)
          return <p>Increment</p>
        else if (this.state.button.id === 2)
            return <p>Decrement</p>
            return <p>Reset</p>

    addCounter = () => {
        this.setState({ count: this.state.count });

    decrementCounter = () => {
        if (this.state.count > 0) {
            this.setState({ count: this.state.count })

    resetCounter = () => {
        this.state.count = 0;
        this.setState({ count: this.state.count });

    render() {

        let classes = "badge m-2 badge-warning";
        if (this.state.count === 0) {
            classes = "badge badge-warning m-2";
        else {
            classes = "badge badge-success m-2";
        return (

            <div style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
                <span style={this.styles} className={classes}>{this.state.count}</span>
                    <button style={this.buttonstyle} className="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onClick={this.addCounter} id={1}>{this.state.inc}</button>
                    <button style={this.buttonstyle} className="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onClick={this.decrementCounter} id={2}>{this.state.dec}</button>
                    <button style={this.buttonstyle} className="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onClick={this.resetCounter} id={3}>{this.state.rst}</button>
                <div className="container">
                    You have pressed <span style={{ background: 'black', marginRight: 5, color: 'greenyellow' }}>{this.buttonChange} </span> button. //I want to implement the button change here

export default Counter;

buttonChange只是返回一些从 state 计算出来的 JSX,您可以调用它并呈现它的返回值。

    background: "black",
    marginRight: 5,
    color: "greenyellow"

Other issues I see, you are mutating your state object when you post-increment ( this.state.count++; ) and post-decrement ( this.state.count--; ). 使用功能 state 更新以从先前的 state 递增/递减。

此外,我将按钮 ID 添加到您的 state 以匹配它们在您的buttonChange function 中的检查方式。 由于您未定义this.state.button.id state,因此在跨度中没有呈现任何内容。

addCounter = () => {
  this.setState((prevState) => ({
    count: prevState.count + 1,
    button: { id: 1 }

decrementCounter = () => {
  if (this.state.count > 0) {
    this.setState((prevState) => ({
      count: prevState.count - 1,
      button: { id: 2 }

 class Counter extends React.Component { state = { count: 0, inc: "Increment", dec: "Decrement", rst: "Reset", button: { id: null } }; styles = { //CSS styles into Js objects fontSize: 50, fontWeight: "bold", margin: 25 }; buttonstyle = { padding: 10, margin: 15, fontSize: 25 }; buttonChange = () => { if (this.state.button.id === 1) return "Increment"; else if (this.state.button.id === 2) return "Decrement"; else return "Reset"; }; addCounter = () => { this.setState((prevState) => ({ count: prevState.count + 1, button: { id: 1 } })); }; decrementCounter = () => { if (this.state.count > 0) { this.setState((prevState) => ({ count: prevState.count - 1, button: { id: 2 } })); } }; resetCounter = () => { this.setState({ count: 0, button: { id: null } }); }; render() { let classes = "badge m-2 badge-warning"; if (this.state.count === 0) { classes = "badge badge-warning m-2"; } else { classes = "badge badge-success m-2"; } return ( <div style={{ textAlign: "center" }}> <br></br> <span style={this.styles} className={classes}> {this.state.count} </span> <br></br> <div> <button style={this.buttonstyle} className="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onClick={this.addCounter} id={1} > {this.state.inc} </button> <button style={this.buttonstyle} className="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onClick={this.decrementCounter} id={2} > {this.state.dec} </button> <button style={this.buttonstyle} className="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onClick={this.resetCounter} id={3} > {this.state.rst} </button> </div> <br></br> <div className="container"> You have pressed{" "} <span style={{ background: "black", marginRight: 5, color: "greenyellow" }} > {this.buttonChange()} </span>{" "} button. </div> </div> ); } } const rootElement = document.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.render( <Counter />, rootElement );
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.13.1/umd/react.production.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.13.1/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script> <div id="root"></div>


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