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如何使用数组的结果更新 Object 中的值

[英]How to update the values in an Object with results from an array

我有一个数据结构问题,我一直在尝试在 nodejs 中解决,但这给了我一个困难的时期,我将不胜感激。

我有一个 object:

let obj = {
  commenter: '',
  comment: '',
  numberOflikes: 0,


let container = []


//total likes
let likes = 176;
// total commenters
const totalcommenters = [
  'john doe1',
  'john doe 2',
  'john doe 3',
  'john doe 4',
  'john doe 5',

// total comments
const totalComment = [
  'this is a comment one',
  'this is a comment two',
  'this is a comment  three',
  'this is a comment four',
  'this is a comment five',

我想更新对象,并将它们放入容器中。 这是我想要的结果:

        commenter: 'john doe1',
        comment: 'this is a comment one',
        numberOflikes: 176,
        commenter: 'john doe2',
        comment: 'this is a comment two',
        numberOflikes: 176,
        commenter: 'john doe3',
        comment: 'this is a comment  three',
        numberOflikes: 176,
        commenter: 'john doe4',
        comment: 'this is a comment four',
        numberOflikes: 176,
        commenter: 'john doe5',
        comment: 'this is a comment five',
        numberOflikes: 176,

但我没有得到想要的结果。 这就是我到目前为止所做的,我试图以 OOP 方式接近它:

    class Data {
      // loop though and update comments
      static updateComment() {
        let mapFunc = (comment) => {
          return { ...obj, comment: comment }
        let mapped = totalComment.map(mapFunc)
      static updateCommenters() {
        let mapFunc = (commenter) => {
          return { ...obj, commenter: commenter }
        let mappedcommenters = totalcommenters.map(mapFunc)

您可以使用.map()迭代您的 arrays 之一,对于每次迭代,您可以使用当前索引从另一个数组中获取关联值(这作为第二个参数传递给您的.map()回调)。 对于回调的每次调用,您都可以返回所需obj形状的新 object,每个属性设置如下:

 const likes = 176; const totalcommenters = [ 'john doe1', 'john doe 2', 'john doe 3', 'john doe 4', 'john doe 5', ]; const totalComment = [ 'this is a comment one', 'this is a comment two', 'this is a comment three', 'this is a comment four', 'this is a comment five', ]; const res = totalcommenters.map((commenter, i) => ({ commenter, comment: totalComment[i], numberOfLikes: likes })); console.log(res);


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