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Jasmine 可重复使用的 FireStore 模拟,用于 Angular 服务测试

[英]Jasmine reusable FireStore mock for Angular service testing

我正在尝试制作一个可重复使用的 Firestore 模拟来测试几个 angular 服务。 我的服务如下所示:

  providedIn: 'root',
export class DataSheetService {
  dataSheetTypesDbRef: AngularFirestoreCollection<DataSheetType>;

  constructor(private db: AngularFirestore) {
    this.dataSheetTypesDbRef = this.db.collection<DataSheetType>(DBNAMES.dataSheetsTypes);

  getDataSheetsTypes(): Observable<DataSheetType[]> {
    return this.dataSheetTypesDbRef.snapshotChanges().pipe(
      map((actions) => {
        return actions.map((a) => {
          const data = a.payload.doc.data();
          const id = a.payload.doc.id;
          return { id, ...data };

  saveDataSheetType(newType): Observable<DataSheetType> {
    return from(
        .then((docRef) => {
          return { id: docRef.id, ...typeToSave };
        .catch((e) => {
          throw new Error(e);

我已经能够制作一个简单的 function 来模拟 firestore 并测试 firestore 集合和快照,但我无法动态更改返回的数据,所以我需要每次都重写它。

const formatData = (data) => {
  const dataToReturn = data?.map((data) => {
    const { id, ...docData } = data;
    return {
      payload: {
        doc: {
          data: () => docData,
          id: id || Math.random().toString(16).substring(2),
  return dataToReturn;

const collectionStub = (data) => ({
  snapshotChanges: () => of(formatData(data)),
export const angularFireDatabaseStub = (data) => ({ collection: jasmine.createSpy('collection').and.returnValue(collectionStub(data)) });


describe('DataSheetService', () => {
  const payload = [{ name: 'lamps' }, { name: 'mirrors' }];
  let service: DataSheetService;
  let angularFirestore: AngularFirestore;
  beforeEach(() => {
      providers: [
        { provide: AngularFirestore, useValue: angularFireDatabaseStub(payload) },
        { provide: AuthService, useClass: AuthServiceMock },
    service = TestBed.inject(DataSheetService);
    angularFirestore = TestBed.inject(AngularFirestore);

  it('should be created', () => {

  it('should return list of data sheets types', async () => {
    const types$ = service.getDataSheetsTypes();
    types$.subscribe((types) => {
      expect(types[1]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ name: 'mirrors' }));

使用 angularFireDatabaseStub function 所有测试都通过了,但我想要实现的是第三种情况,即从 service.getDataSheetsTypes 方法返回的数据发生变化,因为这些数据在 angularFireDatabaseStub 的调用中被编码,我正在尝试制作一种不同的方法。

export class FireStoreMock {
  returnData: any[];
  constructor(data) {
    this.returnData = data;

  setReturnData(data: any[]) {
    this.returnData = data;

  formatData(data) {
    const dataToReturn = data?.map((data) => {
      const { id, ...docData } = data;
      return {
        payload: {
          doc: {
            data: () => docData,
            id: id || Math.random().toString(16).substring(2),
    return dataToReturn;

  snapshotChanges() {
    return of(this.formatData(this.returnData)).pipe(
      tap((res) => console.log("snapshot res", res))

  collection() {
    console.log("collection called");
    const _this = this;
    return {
      snapshotChanges: _this.snapshotChanges.bind(this),

有了这个 class 我可以设置一个初始返回数据,理论上,通过调用 setReturnData 方法设置一个新的,但是当我将 class 导入到测试中时,第一个失败,即使我调用第二种情况之前的 setReturnData 方法(这个方法实际上记录了更新的返回数据),测试中数据没有改变。 这是我对 FireStoreMock class 的更新测试

describe('DataSheetService', () => {
  const payload = [{ name: 'lamps' }, { name: 'mirrors' }];
  const payloadAlt = [{ name: 'lamps' }, { name: 'tables' }];
  let service: DataSheetService;
  let angularFirestore: FireStoreMock;
  beforeEach(() => {
      providers: [
        { provide: AngularFirestore, useValue: new FireStoreMock(payload) },
    service = TestBed.inject(DataSheetService);
    angularFirestore = new FireStoreMock(payload);
    spyOn(angularFirestore, 'collection')

  it('should be created', () => {
    expect(angularFirestore.collection).toHaveBeenCalled(); // <-- this one fails

  it('should return list of data sheets types', async () => {
    const types$ = service.getDataSheetsTypes();
    types$.subscribe((types) => {
      console.log('types', types); // <- this logs [{ name: 'lamps' }, { name: 'mirrors' }]
      expect(types[1]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ name: 'tables' }));


我只会使用jasmine.createSpyObj ,而不是明确地模拟它。 类似。

describe('DataSheetService', () => {
  const payload = [{ name: 'lamps' }, { name: 'mirrors' }];
  const payloadAlt = [{ name: 'lamps' }, { name: 'tables' }];
  let service: DataSheetService;
  let angularFirestore: jasmine.SpyObj<FireStoreMock>;
  beforeEach(() => {
    const spy = jasmine.createSpyObj('AngularFirestore', ['collection']);
      providers: [
        { provide: AngularFirestore, useValue: spy },
    spyOn(angularFirestore, 'collection'); // move spy here because the service gets
    service = TestBed.inject(DataSheetService); // instantiated on the next line
    angularFirestore = TestBed.inject(AngularFireStore) as jasmine.SpyObj<FireStoreMock>;// and if you spy after this line
  });                                              // it will be too late.

  it('should be created', () => {                 // moving the spy should make this test
    expect(service).toBeTruthy();                 // pass
    expect(angularFirestore.collection).toHaveBeenCalled(); // <-- this one fails

  it('should return list of data sheets types', async () => {
    // mock the next call to collection to return this object
      snapshotChanges: () => of(/* */), // your mock data inside of of
    // this test may need some more work but you get the idea now
    // looking at the line above, you can mock the next function call of what you're
   // mocking and then call your service and get the results you expect.
    const types$ = service.getDataSheetsTypes();
    types$.subscribe((types) => {
      console.log('types', types); // <- this logs [{ name: 'lamps' }, { name: 'mirrors' }]
      expect(types[1]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ name: 'tables' }));


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