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C++ 中 `int* const& x` 和 `int* const x` 之间的区别

[英]Difference between `int* const& x` and `int* const x` in C++

我已经阅读了按值传递、按引用传递和通过常量引用传递(指针)之间的区别,但我不明白后者之间的区别,只是传递一个常量指针。 例如,两者之间有什么区别

int PI = 3;

int* getArg(int* const& x){
    x = Π
    return x;

int main() {


int PI = 3;

int* getArg(int* const x){
    x = Π
    return x;

int main() {


这两者都会导致相同的error: assignment of read-only parameter 'x'


using PointerToInt = int*;
using ConstPointerToInt = PointerToInt const;

int* getArg_v1(ConstPointerToInt x) {
    x = Π  // it's const by value so you're not allowed to change it
    return x;

int* getArg_v2(ConstPointerToInt& x) {
    x = Π  // it's const by reference so you're not allowed to change it
    return x;


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