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从同一个 class 中的另一个私有方法访问变量 - 这可能吗?

[英]Accessing a variable from another private method within the same class - is this possible?

我得到指示创建一个返回 Int“inputAge”的方法,条件是来自方法“run”的先前输入变量“age”大于 18。

但是,由于 Int“age”是在“run”方法中声明和定义的,我无法在从“inputAge”返回 int 的方法中访问它,因此我无法检查 Int“age”是否大于 18。

指令 state 我必须在此代码中使用“inputAge”方法,因此在“run”方法中不检查输入变量“age”是否大于 18。


"在代理示例中添加以下功能。年龄需要大于或等于 18。如果年龄小于 18,程序会再次询问,直到输入大于等于 18 的数字。你应该实现一个方法名为 inputAge 并从运行中调用该方法。方法如下(已添加在计算机实验室可用的 Java 文件中)"

public int inputAge()
        // add the code here to receive an integer number as input and 
        // check if the number is greater or equal to 18
        // if the number is less than 18, the program should ask the number again
        // until the input number is greater or equal to 18
        return(0);//note that 0 was added here just to be able to compile
import java.util.*;

public class AgencyInterface 
    private void run() 
       Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
       Couple c = new Couple();
       int      age,end;
       String   name;
       do {
           System.out.print("first person: "); 
           System.out.print("name: "); 
           name = console.next();
           System.out.print("age: "); 
           age = console.nextInt();

           System.out.print("second person: "); 
           System.out.print("name: "); 
           name = console.next();
           System.out.print("age: "); 
           age = console.nextInt();

           System.out.print("Quit? (0)yes (1)no: "); 
           end = console.nextInt();
       while (end!=0);
    public static void main(String[] args)
           AgencyInterface agency = new AgencyInterface ();
    public int inputAge()
            // add the code here to receive an integer number as input and 
            // check if the number is greater or equal to 18
            // if the number is less than 18, the program should ask the number again
            // until the input number is greater or equal to 18

                // The four comments above give instruction again what to do within here.
                // They were not written by me (Lachshmock).
            return(0);//note that 0 was added here just to be able to compile




System.out.print("age: "); 
age = console.nextInt();

age = inputAge();


public int inputAge()
    int age;
    do {
        // Get the age from stdin. Print error if < 18
    } while (age < 18);
    return age;



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