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如何使用 VBA 使用来自其他 excel 文件的新数据覆盖数据库中的数据?

[英]How to overwrite the data in database with new data coming from other excel files using VBA?

我想使用 VBA 将源文件中的数据发送到主文件。 这是我的脚本:

Sub TransferData()    
    Dim main_wb As Workbook, target_wb As Workbook, main_sheet As String
    Dim r As String, target_sheet As String, first_col As Byte, col_n As Byte
    Dim next_row As Long, duplicates As Byte, pasted As Byte, last_col As Long
    Set main_wb = ThisWorkbook
    main_sheet = "Sheet1"
    r = "B6:G6" 'range to copy in the main Workbook
    'target workbook path
    Set target_wb = Workbooks("Main File.xlsm")
    'Workbooks.Open ("/Users/user/Desktop/target workbook.xlsm")
    target_sheet = "DataBase"
    first_col = 2 'in what column does the data starts in target sheet?
    'turn screen updating off
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    'copy from main
    With target_wb.Sheets(target_sheet)
        'target info
        next_row = _
        .Cells(Rows.Count, first_col).End(xlUp).Row + 1
        'paste in target
        .Cells(next_row, first_col).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
        last_col = _
        .Cells(next_row, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    End With
    pasted = last_col - (first_col - 1)
    For col_n = first_col To last_col
        With target_wb.Sheets(target_sheet)
            If .Cells(next_row, col_n) = .Cells(next_row - 1, col_n) Then          
                 duplicates = duplicates + 1  
            End If
        End With
    Next col_n
    If duplicates = pasted Then 'if the nº of cells pasted equals duplicates
        For col_n = first_col To last_col  'erase pasted range
            target_wb.Sheets(target_sheet).Cells(next_row, col_n).Clear
        Next col_n
    End If
    'turn screen updating back on
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

如果主文件中的前一行与来自源文件的新行数据完全相同,则脚本能够防止数据再次粘贴到主文件中。 但是,一旦源文件中有一些新的更新并且数据再次传输,脚本会将其视为新行而不是更新现有行。 下面的第一张截图是源文件中的数据,第二张截图是主文件中的数据库:



正如您在上面的屏幕截图中看到的,当我更新源文件中的单元格C6并将数据传输到主文件时,它将创建 Row4 而不是更新 Row3 中的数据。 我可以知道我应该如何修改我的脚本,以便只要日期相同,它就会更新现有行而不是创建新行? 任何帮助将不胜感激!

它可能如下所示。 我简化了这个例子。

请注意,我建议不要使用InputSheet.Range("B6:G6")为范围B6:G6命名,例如InputRange ,然后使用InputSheet.Range("InputRange") 因此,例如,如果您添加一列,则无需再次触摸代码。

Option Explicit

Public Sub TransferData()
    Dim InputSheet As Worksheet ' set data input sheet
    Set InputSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Input")
    Dim InputRange As Range ' define input range
    Set InputRange = InputSheet.Range("B6:G6") ' I recomend a named range instead!
    Dim TargetSheet As Worksheet
    Set TargetSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Target") ' Define your Target Workbooks("Main File.xlsm").Worksheets("DataBase")
    Const TargetStartCol As Long = 2        ' start pasting in this column in target sheet
    Const PrimaryKeyCol As Long = 1         ' this is the unique primary key in the input range (means first column of B6:G6 is primary key)
    Dim InsertRow As Long ' this will be the row to insert
    ' first we try to find a row with the same primary key to replace
    On Error Resume Next ' next row will error if no match is found, so hide error messages
    ' match primary key of data input with target
    InsertRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(InputRange.Cells(1, 1), TargetSheet.Columns(TargetStartCol + PrimaryKeyCol - 1), 0)
    On Error GoTo 0 're-enable error messages!
    If InsertRow = 0 Then ' if no matching primary key was found
        ' insert in the next empty row in the end
        InsertRow = TargetSheet.Cells(TargetSheet.Rows.Count, TargetStartCol + PrimaryKeyCol - 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    End If
    ' copy values to target row
    TargetSheet.Cells(InsertRow, TargetStartCol).Resize(ColumnSize:=InputRange.Columns.Count).Value = InputRange.Value
End Sub


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