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基于条件开关案例的同一组件中的多个不同嵌套路由 - vue

[英]multiple different nested routes in same component based on conditional switch case - vue

我正在实现一个播放器模块。 在这里,初始页面中有 3 个路由卡。 每张卡都路由到具有各自父卡的多个路由卡的下一页。


  1.  1st level Card( Player Name) -- > 2nd level Cards(Players info, Player Statistics, Records) --> upto 3rd level routing

  2.  1st level Card(Grounds) -- > 2nd level Cards(Grounds info, Match played, Records) --> upto 3rd level routing

  3.  1st level Card(Match Information) -- > 2nd level Cards(Match info, match history, community resources) --> upto 3rd level routing

现在,我已经创建了许多具有各自路线的组件。 但是,我想创建一个组件来根据条件路由所有不同的路由($route.path)

现在,这是我的 routes.js

    name: 'Players',
    path: '/players',
    component: PageLayout,
    meta: {
        topNavigation: true
    redirect: { path: '/players/entry' },
    children: [
            name: 'PlayersEntryPage',
            path: 'entry',
            component: PlayersEntryPage
            name: 'PlayersName',
            path: 'name',
            component: PlayersName
            name: 'Grounds',
            path: 'grounds',
            component: Grounds
            name: 'MatchInformation',
            path: 'info',
            component: MatchInformation


这是第一个主页,然后是用于路由的 1 级后续卡组件


    <vu-page background="gray">
            <vu-row-control class="mt-3">
                 <vu-box-control :list="cardLists" @click="cardAction"></vu-box-control>

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            cardLists: [
                { heading: ‘PlName', content:’Players Name and information',to:'/players/name'},
                { heading: ‘Grnd',  content:  ‘Ground Information', to:'/players/grounds' },
                { heading: ‘Infos', content:  ‘Match Informations', to:'/players/info' }
    methods: {
        cardAction(value) {
            if(value) {

1 级组件 (PlayersName) -> 2 级组件卡

    <vu-page background="gray">
            <vu-row-control class="mt-3">
                 <vu-box-control :list="cardLists" @click="cardAction"></vu-box-control>

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            cardLists: [
                { heading: ‘Players Personal Info', to:’/players/name/pinfo'},
                { heading: ‘Players Statistics', to:'/players/name/statistics' },
                { heading: ‘Players Records',to:’/players/name/records' }
    methods: {
        cardAction(value) {
            if(value) {


    <div class="box-wrapper">
        <div v-for="(items, i) in boxes" :key="'box-row-' + i" class="box-container">
                v-for="item in items"
                @click="click($event, item)"
 <vu-column-control  cols="10">
                        <h1 class="label">{{ item.heading }}</h1>
                        <p class="body_content">{{ item.content }}</p>

                    <vu-column-control cols="2">
                        <vu-button-control @click.stop=“addFavouriteClick(item)">

所有其他路由卡都遵循完全相同的结构,唯一不同的是传递的数据 所以,这就是为什么我想要一个组件并基于 $route 路径我想更改数据部分。

我正在考虑使用 switch case 方法,但无法执行条件路由部分。

抱歉,但我不确定我是否完全理解您的问题 - 但我尝试为我理解的内容提供解决方案:

  • 你有三个级别的路由
  • 所有路线都有不同的组件
  • 您想要 1 个组件来处理路线


 const PlayersInfo = { template: ` <div>Players info component</div> ` } const PlayerStatistics = { template: ` <div>Player statistics component</div> ` } const PlayerRecords = { template: ` <div>Player records component</div> ` } const GroundsInfo = { template: ` <div>Grounds info component</div> ` } const MatchPlayed = { template: ` <div>Match played component</div> ` } const GroundsRecords = { template: ` <div>Grounds records component</div> ` } const MatchInfo = { template: ` <div>Match info component</div> ` } const MatchHistory = { template: ` <div>Match history component</div> ` } const CommunityResources = { template: ` <div>Community resources component</div> ` } // RoutingControl can be called inside itself const RoutingControl = { props: ["subroutes"], template: ` <div> <router-link v-for="subroute in subroutes":key="subroute":to="{ name: subroute }" class="link" > {{ subroute }} </router-link><br /> <router-view /> </div> ` } const routes = [{ name: 'Root', path: '/', redirect: { path: '/players/entry', }, }, { name: 'Players', path: '/players', component: RoutingControl, meta: { topNavigation: true }, redirect: { path: '/players/entry' }, props: (route) => ({ subroutes: getRouteNames("Players") }), children: [{ name: 'PlayersEntryPage', path: 'entry', component: RoutingControl, props: (route) => ({ subroutes: getRouteNames("PlayersEntryPage"), }), children: [{ name: 'PlayersName', path: 'name', component: RoutingControl, props: (route) => ({ subroutes: getRouteNames("PlayersName"), }), children: [{ name: 'Players info', path: 'players-info', component: PlayersInfo, }, { name: 'Player Statistics', path: 'player-statistics', component: PlayerStatistics, }, { name: 'Player records', path: 'player-records', component: PlayerRecords, }], }, { name: 'Grounds', path: 'grounds', component: RoutingControl, props: (route) => ({ subroutes: getRouteNames("Grounds"), }), children: [{ name: 'Grounds info', path: 'grounds-info', component: GroundsInfo, }, { name: 'Match played', path: 'match-played', component: MatchPlayed, }, { name: 'Grounds records', path: 'grounds-records', component: GroundsRecords, }], }, { name: 'MatchInformation', path: 'info', component: RoutingControl, props: (route) => ({ subroutes: getRouteNames("MatchInformation"), }), children: [{ name: 'Match info', path: 'match-info', component: MatchInfo, }, { name: 'match history', path: 'match-history', component: MatchHistory, }, { name: 'community resources', path: 'community-resources', component: CommunityResources, }], } ], }, ] } ] // get subroutes automatically for router (by route name) function getChildrenRoutesNames(arr) { return (routeName) => { let ret = [] arr.forEach(route => { if (route.name === routeName) { ret = route?.children.map(({ name }) => name) } else { if (route?.children?.length) { ret = [...ret, ...getChildrenRoutesNames(route.children)(routeName)] } } }) return ret } } // "fixing" the routes array scope, so it stays when used // inside that array const getRouteNames = getChildrenRoutesNames(routes) const router = new VueRouter({ routes, }) new Vue({ el: "#app", router, })
 .link { padding: 0 8px; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-router/dist/vue-router.js"></script> <div id="app"> <router-view /> </div>



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