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上传文件到 ASP.NET 内核 Web API

[英]Upload file into ASP.NET Core Web API

我们有一个前端 flutter 应用程序,它应该将文件发送到我们的后端(ASP.NET Core Web API)。 问题是:controller应该如何构建? 我相信它应该是一个 POST 方法,但是如何在后端获取这个文件。

PS 所有请求都以 JSON 格式发送至我们的 API。

在 dotnet core controller 你可以使用IFormFile接口来获取文件,

public async Task<IActionResult> UploadFile([FromQuery] IFormFile file){
    if(file.Length > 0){
       // Do whatever you want with your file here
       // e.g.: upload it to somewhere like Azure blob or AWS S3

    //TODO: Save file description and image URL etc to database.

在 Flutter 中,除了常规文本值之外,您还需要发送 Multipart POST 请求以包含具有二进制内容(图像、各种文档等)的文件。

import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

  Future<String> uploadImage(filename, url) async {
    var request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', Uri.parse(url));
      filename: filename.split("/").last
    var res = await request.send();
    return res;

F# 文件上传需要几个小时才能找出长颈鹿和 HTML 时需要添加一些其他数据 + 拖放


  script [ _type "text/javascript"; _src "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js" ] [];
  script [ _type "text/javascript"] [ rawText "
     $(function() { $('#uploadForm').submit(function() {
        if(!$('form input[type=file]').val()) {
           alert('You must select a file!'); 
           return false;
        };});}); "];
  form [_method "POST"; _action "/upload"; 
      _enctype "multipart/form-data"; _id "uploadForm"; _name "uploadForm"] 
    h2 [] [ Text "Drop or select file to upload" ];
    [ input [ _type "file"; _name "fileName"; _id "file"; ]; 
      input [ _type "text"; _name "Title";];
      button [ _type "submit"] [ str "Uppload" ];

let fileUploadHandler = fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) -> task {
            (match ctx.Request.HasFormContentType with
            | false -> RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST ("Bad file uppload request") 
            | true  ->
                let title = (ctx.Request.Form.Item("Title").ToString()) in
                let file = ctx.Request.Form.Files |> Seq.head in
                let fileName = file.FileName in
                let stream = new MemoryStream() in
                file.CopyTo( stream);
                let content = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray()) in
                let db_ctx = mssql.GetDataContext() in
                let row = db_ctx.Dbo.File.Create(content, fileName, title) in
                htmlView indexView  
                next ctx

POST >=> route "/upload" >=> fileUploadHandler;


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