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Typescript 如何有条件地包含类型?

[英]Typescript how to include types conditionally?

我有一个案例,我需要有条件地在 Typescript 中包含类型。 我不是 100% 确定它是否可能使用 Typescript。


type FlexBoxType = {
  inline?: boolean;
  justifyContent?: string;
  alignItems?: string;
  /* and so on */

type FlexItemType = {
  box?: boolean;
  flex?: string|number;
  shrink?: string | number;

  /* and so on */

type FlexItemProps = 
  | FlexItemType & { box: true } & FlexBoxType
  | FlexItemType;

const flexItemStylesGenerator = (args: FlexItemProps) => {
  /* function to generate flex-item styles */

  if(args.box) {
    /* args includes props of FlexBoxType and FlexItemType */
  else {
    /* args includes props of FlexItemType only */


我创建了一个 function flexItemStylesGenerator生成 CSS styles 使用传递的 ZDBEZ6FB4CAA5BDA9FEDDA7 如果box属性为真,那么用户可以指定FlexItemType以及FlexBoxType ,否则只能指定FlexItemType


flexItemStylesGenerator({ flex: 1 }); // works properly, as expected
flexItemStylesGenerator({ jusifyContent: 'space-between' }); // gives warning, as expected cannot use FlexBoxType prop without passing box: true.
flexItemStylesGenerator({ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'space-between' }); // no warning, unexpected

那么如何声明FlexItemProps类型,以便用户只能在box属性设置为 true 时传递FlexBoxType


type Never<T> = {[P in keyof T]?: never}

type FlexItemProps = 
  | FlexItemType & { box: true } & FlexBoxType
  | FlexItemType & Never<FlexBoxType>

Typescript 游乐场



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