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需要帮助在节点中使用 express 识别 memory 泄漏

[英]Need help identifying memory leak using express in node


我有一个在 ECS 中运行的 Node 应用程序,它似乎正在泄漏 memory,因为 memory 在每次部署时都在不断增长和下降。

我做了一个堆转储并将其导入 Chrome DevTools,试图理解它。


似乎有几个 100 000 个字符串看起来像这样。 语法看起来像我在中间件中使用的 express res.cookie 语法,当然在登录路由中也是如此。 我拥有的中间件正在检查用户是否有有效的 cookie,如果有效则刷新它。 由于它会更频繁地运行,我认为如果中间件是罪魁祸首是有道理的,但我仍然无法理解它为什么泄漏。 对象

可能的罪魁祸首? 中间件.ts

import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
import issueJWT from 'utils/functions/IssueToken';
import { getRepository, getConnection } from 'typeorm';
import User from 'entity/organization/User';
import { ApiResult } from 'utils/classes/ApiResult';

interface ICookie {
    name: string;
    payload: string;

interface ICookieRouterConnections {
    routeName: string;
    cookieName: string;

const authenticate = async (req, res, next) => {
    const userRepository = getRepository(User);
    const { authorization, cookie } = req.headers;
    let requestToken: ICookie = { name: '', payload: '' };

    // These are the tokens that can be issued with their corresponding routes
    const portalCookieNames: ICookieRouterConnections[] = [
            routeName: 'admin',
            cookieName: process.env.JWT_ADMIN,
            routeName: 'customer',
            cookieName: process.env.JWT_CUSTOMER,

    // Find the router the user is trying to access
    const requestedRouterName = req.path
        .splice(1, 1)

    function throwError(statusObj: { message: string; code: string; statusCode: number }) {
        const apiResult = new ApiResult();
            message: statusObj.message,
            code: statusObj.code,
            request: req,

    // Gets the value of a cookie by the cookie name
    const getCookie = (cookieName: string): ICookie => {
        const returnObject = {
            name: cookieName,
            payload: cookie
        return returnObject;

    const routerCookieName = portalCookieNames.find(obj => obj.routeName === requestedRouterName).cookieName;

    if (!authorization && !cookie) {
        throwError({ message: 'Token not provided', statusCode: 401, code: 'tokenNotProvided' });

    // If there is authorization header, use that
    if (authorization) {
        requestToken.name = routerCookieName;
        requestToken.payload = authorization.replace('Bearer ', '');
    } else {
        // If not use the JWT from the cookie based on which router the user is trying to access
        requestToken = getCookie(routerCookieName);

    if (requestToken) {
        // Validate the token
        jwt.verify(requestToken.payload, process.env.APP_SECRET, async (err, decoded) => {
            if (err) {
                throwError({ message: err, statusCode: 401, code: 'internalError' });
            } else {
                const user = await userRepository.findOne({ where: { id: decoded.userId } });

                if (!user.isDeactivated) {
                    req.user = user;
                    // Issue a new token if the cookie provided was valid
                    res.cookie(requestToken.name, issueJWT(user), {
                        httpOnly: false,
                        expires: new Date(Date.now() + 24 * 3600000),
                        domain: process.env.COOKIE_DOMAIN,
    } else {
        throwError({ message: 'Invalid token', statusCode: 401, code: 'invalidTokenProvided' });

export default authenticate;

我认为 Bergi 为我指明了正确的方向。

这是一个加载在路由器中的 package“快速会话”。 似乎默认的 memory 存储有泄漏,不应在生产中使用。

从 npmjs 存储库

警告 默认的服务器端 session 存储 MemoryStore 故意不是为生产环境设计的。 在大多数情况下,它会泄漏 memory,不会扩展到单个进程,并且用于调试和开发。


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