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将许多单选按钮添加到组框 C#

[英]Add many radio buttons to groupbox C#

如果 x 我想显示特定数量的单选按钮,我在文本框中有值,如果 y 显示其他特定数量的单选按钮,那么如何添加特定数量的单选按钮并通过代码控制其 position 和大小,谢谢

您可以尝试实现良好的旧for循环。 如果要创建垂直堆叠的单选按钮:

  //TODO: provide the desired value here
  int numberOfRadioButtons = 7;

  //TODO: Put desired values here
  int left = 15;
  int top = 25;
  int height = 50;

  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRadioButtons; ++i) {
    RadioButton button = new RadioButton() {
      Parent = myGroupBox,
      Location = new Point(left, top + height * i),
      Text = $"RadioButton # {i}",

      // If you insist on setting size manually, uncomment the lines below
      //AutoSize = false,
      //Size = new Size(200, height),

    // button is created; you can use it, say, to assign event handler:
    //button.Click += MyRadioButtonClick;


  using System.Linq;


  // Either checked rudio button or null if none of radio button is checked
  RadioButton chosen = myGroupBox
    .FirstOrDefault(button => button.Checked); 


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