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Excel VBA 将项目添加到程序化 ComboBox 时其他 ZFD249A0C28275EBF5D4C8464CFCA222

[英]Excel VBA add item to a programatic ComboBox when other ComboBox Change

我以编程方式在 Multipage1 中添加一个新页面

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim i As Integer
    i = MultiPage1.Pages.Count
    MultiPage1.Pages.Add.Caption = "Guarantee " & i

然后我想要我的新页面包含 3 个 ComboBoxes,ComboBox1 将在我的工作表名称“LeftTB”上列出表中的项目,这是代码。

    For r = 1 To 3
            Set myCB = MultiPage1.Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1", "ComboBox" & r, 1)
            With myCB
                .Width = 150
                .Height = 18
            Select Case r
                Case Is = 1
                        .Left = 54
                        .Top = 156
            'add item to combobox1
                    Dim rng, cl As Range
            'LeftTB is the name of Table contain Data
                    Set rng = Range("LeftTB") 
                    For Each cl In rng
                        .AddItem cl.Value
                    Next cl
                Case Is = 2
                        .Left = 252
                        .Top = 156
                Case Is = 3
                        .Left = 54
                        .Top = 180
                End Select
            End With
          Next r
    End Sub

通过此代码在 ComboBox1 中添加值可以正常工作。 对于 ComboBox 2 中的项目,它取决于 ComboBox1 的值,如下代码所示。

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim rng, cl As Range

'The CenterTB is the table in my worksheet with two columns. The first column (SubD) contains the same data as table "LeftTB" and the next column is the item I would like to add to ComboBox2
Set rng = Range("CenterTB[SubD]")

For i = 1 to me.MultiPage1.Pages.Count
    For Each cl In rng
        If cl.Value = me.MultiPage1.Pages(i).Controls("ComboBox1").Text Then
        me.MultiPage1.Pages(i).Controls("ComboBox2").AddItem cl.Offset(0, 1).Value
    End If
    Next cl
Next i
End Sub

但是,当 ComboBox1 是编程时,它不起作用。 我不知道在编程时检测 Combobox1 的更改过程。


在动态创建控件时,VBA 不会自动创建它们的事件!

有两种方法可以做到这一点。 要创建事件包装器 class 或更简单,如果要添加已知数量的控件(您的情况)以先前以特定方式声明控件:

  1. 将下一个声明放在表单代码模块的顶部(在声明区域中):
Option Explicit

Private WithEvents ComboBox1 As MSForms.ComboBox
Private WithEvents ComboBox2 As MSForms.ComboBox 'possible to use its events, too
Private WithEvents ComboBox3 As MSForms.ComboBox 'possible to use its events, too
  1. 然后你应该调整你的代码,将上面声明的变量设置为你想要/需要的。 因此,请按以下方式调整您的代码:
Private Sub btCreateCmb_Click()
  Dim myCB As MSForms.ComboBox, r As Long
   For r = 1 To 3
       Set myCB = MultiPage1.Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1", "ComboBox" & r, 1)
       With myCB
          .Width = 150
          .Height = 18
          Select Case r
             Case Is = 1
                 Set ComboBox1 = myCB 'added to Set your first combo
                 .Left = 54
                 .Top = 156
                 'add item to combobox1
                 Dim rng, cl As Range
                 'LeftTB is the name of Table contain Data
                    Set rng = Range("LeftTB") 
                    For Each cl In rng
                        .AddItem cl.Value
                    Next cl
                Case Is = 2
                     Set ComboBox2 = myCB 'added to Set your second combo
                     .Left = 252
                     .Top = 156
                Case Is = 3
                     Set ComboBox3 = myCB 'added to Set your third combo
                     .Left = 54
                     .Top = 180
                End Select
            End With
          Next r
End Sub
  1. 只有现在,才会触发组合事件(如果它们的代码存在于表单代码模块中)。 请首先使用下一个短代码示例:
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
   MsgBox "Changed 1..."
End Sub





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