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为什么不等待等待的 Promise.all 解决?

[英]Why is it not waiting for an awaited Promise.all to resolve?

我以前的工作代码在可迭代的每个元素上调用等待效率低下。 我正在重构以使用 Promise.All。 但是,我的代码没有等待 Promise.All 在执行进一步代码之前解决。

具体来说, purgeRequestPromises行在初始Promise.All解析之前执行。 我不确定这是为什么? retrieveSurrogateKey是一个异步 function,所以它的返回行将被包裹在一个已解析的 promise 中。

try {
    //retrieve surrogate key associated with each URL/file updated in push to S3
    const surrogateKeyPromises = urlArray.map(url => this.retrieveSurrogateKey(url));
    const surrogateKeyArray = await Promise.all(surrogateKeyPromises).catch(console.log);

    //purge each surrogate key
     const purgeRequestPromises = surrogateKeyArray.map(surrogateKey => this.requestPurgeOfSurrogateKey(surrogateKey));
     await Promise.all(purgeRequestPromises);

     // GET request the URLs to warm cache for our users
     const warmCachePromises = urlArray.map(url => this.warmCache(url));
     await Promise.all(warmCachePromises)
} catch (error) {
    logger.save(`${'(prod)'.padEnd(15)}error in purge cache: ${error}`);
    throw error

async retrieveSurrogateKey(url) {
    try {
            method: 'HEAD',
            url: url,
            headers: headers,
        }).then(response => {
            console.log("this is the response status: ", response.status)
            if (response.status === 200) {
                console.log("this is the surrogate key!! ", response.headers['surrogate-key'])
                return response.headers['surrogate-key'];

    } catch (error) {
        logger.save(`${'(prod)'.padEnd(15)}error in retrieveSurrogateKey: ${error}`);
        throw error

我知道 purgeRequestPromises 提前执行,因为我收到错误消息,抱怨我在 HEAD 请求中将代理密钥 header 设置为undefined

async requestPurgeOfSurrogateKey(surrogateKey) {
    headers['Surrogate-Key'] = surrogateKey

    try {
                method: `POST`,
                url: `https://api.fastly.com/service/${fastlyServiceId}/purge/${surrogateKey}`,
                path: `/service/${fastlyServiceId}/purge${surrogateKey}`,
                headers: headers,
            .then(response => {
                console.log("the status code for purging!! ", response.status)
                if (response.status === 200) {
                    return true
    } catch (error) {
        logger.save(`${'(prod)'.padEnd(15)}error in requestPurgeOfSurrogateKey: ${error}`);
        throw error;

retrieveSurrogateKey同步返回undefinedtry块中的值是 promise 并且没有同步抛出错误,因此从不执行catch子句并且执行落到底部,从 function 主体返回undefined


function retrieveSurrogateKey(url) {  // returns a promise
    return axios({
//  ^^^^^^
        method: 'HEAD',
        url: url,
        headers: headers,
    }).then(response => {
        console.log("this is the response status: ", response.status)
        if (response.status === 200) {
            console.log("this is the surrogate key!! ", response.headers['surrogate-key'])
            return response.headers['surrogate-key'];

    }).catch(error => {
       logger.save(`${'(prod)'.padEnd(15)}error in retrieveSurrogateKey: ${error}`);
       throw error;

请注意,如果 function 返回一个 promise 作为async ,则声明它是多余的,如果它不使用await 这一行还有一个次要问题:

const surrogateKeyArray = await Promise.all(surrogateKeyPromises).catch(console.log);

除非重新抛出错误,否则catch子句将完成 promise 链。 您可以(也许)放弃.catch子句或将其重新编码为

.catch( err=> { console.log(err); throw err} );

您不必为了让它工作而从retrieveSurrogateKey()中删除async 事实上,如果你不这样做,它更具可读性。 正如已经解释的那样,问题是retrieveSurrogateKey()返回的 promise 没有跟随调用axios()返回的 promise 的完成。 你需要await它:

async retrieveSurrogateKey(url) {
  try {
    const response = await axios({
      method: 'HEAD',

    console.log('this is the response status: ', response.status);

    if (response.status === 200) {
      const surrogateKey = response.headers['surrogate-key'];
      console.log('this is the surrogate key!! ', surrogateKey);
      return surrogateKey;
  } catch (error) {
    logger.save(`${'(prod)'.padEnd(15)}error in retrieveSurrogateKey: ${error}`);
    throw error;

这保留了您当前拥有的相同逻辑,但您会注意到,当response.status !== 200时,您最终会得到undefined的已解决 promise,而不是被拒绝的 promise。 您可能希望使用validateStatus来断言 200 的确切状态。默认情况下,axios 解析任何状态 >= 200 且 < 300 的响应:

async retrieveSurrogateKey(url) {
  try {
    const response = await axios({
      method: 'HEAD',
      validateStatus(status) {
        return status === 200;
    const surrogateKey = response.headers['surrogate-key'];
    console.log('this is the surrogate key!! ', surrogateKey);
    return surrogateKey;
  } catch (error) {
    logger.save(`${'(prod)'.padEnd(15)}error in retrieveSurrogateKey: ${error}`);
    throw error;

这样,您始终可以保证使用代理键或被拒绝的 promise。


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