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如何加快按两个属性分组的结构数组的总和 - macOS Swift

[英]How can I speed up summing an array of structs grouped by two properties - macOS Swift

我正在使用的代码如下所示,但计算总和似乎非常慢 - 大约 20 秒。 有关如何加快速度的任何建议?

实际上它有点复杂,因为我需要创建一个包含所有原始属性和更新为总和的精细结果 object。

struct PAData: Equatable, Hashable {
        let pCode: String
        let aCode: String
        let otherProperty1: String // Unique to pCode
        let otherProperty2: String // Unique to pCode
        let count: Int
        static func == (lhs: PAData, rhs: PAData) -> Bool {
                    lhs.pCode == rhs.pCode &&
                    lhs.aCode == rhs.aCode
        func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

// Group by aCode and pCode and sum count
func calcSum() {
    // Find the unique records based on pCode/aCode properties - very fast takes 0.1 second
    let unique = Set<PAData>(paData)

    // Now find the sum for each pCode/aCode group  - too slow takes 20 seconds to complete - how to speed this up ?
    // Really only needs to be done for those that have more than one record !??
    for key in unique {
        let sum = paData.filter({$0.pCode == key.pCode && $0.aCode == key.aCode}).map({$0.count}).reduce(0, +)

        let summary = PAData(pCode: key.pCode, aCode: key.aCode, count: sum)


似乎使用 Dictionary.grouping() 很快,但随后组合结果又很慢 - 仍然需要大约 35 秒。

struct PAData: Equatable, Hashable {
    let pCode: String
    let aCode: String
    let count: Int

    var key: String {
        return pCode + ":" + aCode
    static func == (lhs: PAData, rhs: PAData) -> Bool {
                lhs.pCode == rhs.pCode &&
                lhs.aCode == rhs.aCode
    func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

    // Group by aCode and pCode and sum count
    func calcSum() {
        var grouped = Dictionary(grouping: paData, by:{$0.key})

        struct Item {
            let key: String
            let sum: Int

        let resultArray = grouped.keys.map { (key) -> Item in
            let value = grouped[key]!
            return Item(key: key, sum: value.map{$0.facings}.reduce(0, +))
        // Find the unique records based on pCode/aCode properties - very fast takes 0.1 second
        let unique = Set<PAData>(paData)

        // Now we need to combined so we have the original properties as well as the sum but no duplicates - slow
        let results = unique.map({ rec -> PAData in
            let sum = resultArray.first(where: {$0.key == rec.key})?.sum ?? rec.facings
            return PAData(brandCode: rec.brandCode, assortmentCode: rec.assortmentCode, productCode: rec.productCode, productCategory: rec.productCategory, productDescription: rec.productDescription, facings: sum)


func calcSum2(_ paData: [PAData]) -> [PAData] {
    let date = Date()
    let grouped = Dictionary(grouping: paData) { aPaData in
        return PAData(pCode: aPaData.pCode, aCode: aPaData.aCode, count: -2) //Here it's to take advantage of your Hashable
    let resultArray = grouped.compactMap { (key: PAData, values: [PAData]) -> PAData in
        let sum = values.reduce(into: 0, { $0 += $1.count })
        return PAData(pCode: key.pCode, aCode: key.aCode, count: sum)
    return resultArray


let unique = Set<PAData>(paData)
for key in unique {
    let sum = paData.filter({$0.pCode == key.pCode && $0.aCode == key.aCode}).map({$0.count}).reduce(0, +)

    let summary = PAData(pCode: key.pCode, aCode: key.aCode, count: sum)



let unique = Set<PAData>(paData)
for key in unique {
    let filtered = paData.filter({$0.pCode == key.pCode && $0.aCode == key.aCode})
    let countMap = filtered.map({$0.count})
    let sum = countMap.reduce(0, +)

    let summary = PAData(pCode: key.pCode, aCode: key.aCode, count: sum)


因此,如果您有 10k 个元素,并且每个元素具有相同的 pCode 和 aCode 的 1k 个元素。

  • 过滤:10k 次迭代(您迭代所有pData
  • countMap: 1k 迭代(你迭代所有filtered的)
  • reduceInto: 1k 迭代(你迭代所有countMap

-> 对每个独特的重复


但是,如果您按照我建议的解决方案进行分组,那么您就是在分组,因此您不再需要过滤器。 我在同一个迭代中求和并映射,在你的情况下可能是: let sum = filtered.reduce(into: 0, { $0 += $1.count }) 在我给出的计数样本中,每个唯一值保存了 1k 次迭代。

现在,我遇到的一个问题是,在我的示例代码中, unique并没有使每个aCodepCode唯一(我不知道为什么)。它似乎没有按应有的方式工作。 我还不知道为什么(我可能会编辑关于为什么的问题),但这仍然没有那么优化,因为你仍然每次都会过滤。 理论上,您应该在filter中使用$0 == key ,因为您覆盖了 equal 方法而不考虑count


let testArray = [PAData(pCode: "a", aCode: "b", count: 2),
                 PAData(pCode: "a", aCode: "b", count: 3),
                 PAData(pCode: "d", aCode: "c", count: 2)]
let setTest = Set<PAData>(testArray)

print("setTest: \(setTest)")
let groupTest = Dictionary(grouping: testArray) { aPaData in
    return PAData(pCode: aPaData.pCode, aCode: aPaData.aCode, count: -2)
print("groupTest: \(groupTest)")


    "PAData(pCode: \"a\", aCode: \"b\", count: -2)" =     (
        "PAData(pCode: \"a\", aCode: \"b\", count: 2)",
        "PAData(pCode: \"a\", aCode: \"b\", count: 3)"
    "PAData(pCode: \"d\", aCode: \"c\", count: -2)" =     (
        "PAData(pCode: \"d\", aCode: \"c\", count: 2)"
    PAData(pCode: "a", aCode: "b", count: 3),
    PAData(pCode: "d", aCode: "c", count: 2),
    PAData(pCode: "a", aCode: "b", count: 2)


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