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JS 计数器递减不应该发生

[英]JS Counter decrementing which should not have happened

以下是计数器的代码。 问题是它第一次运行正确,但每隔一次我按下按钮,计数就会减少。 比如第一次100,第二次45,第三次12等等!!!

我最后将变量的所有值设置为 0 但它仍然以相同的方式运行任何解决方案?

    <button onclick="runAnimations()">Clients counter</button>
<div class="panel">
            <span data-count="250" class="countup">250</span>+

            <span data-count="500" class="countup">500</span>+

            <span data-count="100" class="countup">100</span>+

    // How long you want the animation to take, in ms

const animationDuration = 2000;

// Calculate how long each ‘frame’ should last if we want to update the animation 60 times per second

const frameDuration = 1000 / 60;

// Use that to calculate how many frames we need to complete the animation

const totalFrames = Math.round( animationDuration / frameDuration );

// An ease-out function that slows the count as it progresses

const easeOutQuad = t => t * ( 2 - t );

// The animation function, which takes an Element

const animateCountUp = el => {

  let frame = 0;

  const countTo = parseInt( el.innerHTML, 10 );

  // Start the animation running 60 times per second

  const counter = setInterval( () => {


    // Calculate our progress as a value between 0 and 1

    // Pass that value to our easing function to get our

    // progress on a curve

    const progress = easeOutQuad( frame / totalFrames );

    // Use the progress value to calculate the current count

    const currentCount = Math.round( countTo * progress );

    // If the current count has changed, update the element

    if ( parseInt( el.innerHTML, 10 ) !== currentCount ) {

      el.innerHTML = currentCount;


    // If we’ve reached our last frame, stop the animation

    if ( frame === totalFrames ) {

      clearInterval( counter );


  }, frameDuration );


// Run the animation on all elements with a class of ‘countup’

const runAnimations = () => {

const countupEls = document.querySelectorAll( '.countup' );

countupEls.forEach( animateCountUp );

animationDuration = 0;
frameDuration = 0;
totalFrames = 0;
easeOutQuad = 0;
animateCountUp = 0;
countTo = 0;
progress = 0;
runAnimations = 0;
currentCount = 0;
frame = 0;
countupEls = 0;


首先,将这些值设置为0不是一个好主意,尤其是因为它们中的大多数都是const ,所以它甚至是不可能的。 我认为代码的问题在于,以某种方式在相同元素上调用runAnimations function 为时过早,因为您选择元素的当前文本作为计数器的结束编号,如果 animation 当前正在为该元素运行它只会为第二次运行选择一个较低的数字,因为那是那一刻的innerHTML 为了确保不会发生这种情况,将数字存储为像<div data-count="100" class="countup"></div>这样的数据属性是一种更好的方法,因为它不会像innerHTML那样改变的元素,你可以确保你的代码每次运行都使用正确的值。


<div data-count="100" class="countup"></div>

const countTo = parseInt( el.getAttribute('data-count'), 10 );


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