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如何使用 Xamarin.Forms.Maps 在 iOS 上使用 Google 地图?

[英]How to use Google Maps on iOS using Xamarin.Forms.Maps?

I'm trying to use Google Maps on iOS in my Xamarin.Forms app using the Xamarin.Forms.Maps nuget package instead of iOS Maps.

I've tried using the Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps and Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps.V2 but to no avail, it kept breaking things I don't know if it doesn't work with the current versions of Xamarin.Forms 5.0 or something但是我什至尝试了全新的项目,并且在按照各种教程(例如https://nerd-corner.com/how-to-integrate-google-maps-in-an -app-with-xamarin/或 Xamarin.Forms Pluralsight 上的 Google 地图课程,但没有任何效果。

所以我开始使用 Xamarin.Forms.Maps 并且一切正常,但我试图在 iOS 上使用谷歌地图而不是地图。


谢谢您的帮助 !

还有人可以帮忙吗? Is there any hacks we can do to get Google Maps on iOS without using Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps as this package seems to not work with the new versions on Xamarin?


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