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[英]How to type a color prop?

我的组件接受一个应该是有效 CSS 颜色的overlay道具。

当我CTRL + Click样式对象中的color属性时,类型定义来自csstype文件夹。 CSS 颜色属性的类型定义定义为Property.Color 我将该类型导入到我的组件中并将其用作我的overlay道具的类型,但是当我尝试使用该组件时它最终是any类型。


import { Property } from "../node_modules/csstype/index";

export interface BlurredComponentProps {
  overlay?: Property.Color;



所以我的问题是,如何正确键入一个应该只采用有效 CSS 颜色的道具,如果给出了非颜色值,则给出错误?


这个很难在 TypeScript 的类型系统中编码。 我相信一个成熟的解析器可以在速度和准确性方面做得更好。

无论如何,如果你真的想从打字稿中对你的color值进行一些类型检查,那么让我们从 w3c 颜色属性描述开始

Values: <color value> | <color keyword> | currentColor | transparent | inherit


好吧, color keywordcurrentColortransparentinherit非常简单:

type Color = ColorValue | ColorKeyword | 'currentColor' | 'transparent' | 'inherit'

type ColorKeyword =
    | "black"
    | "silver"
    | "gray"
    | "rebeccapurple"    

棘手的部分是<color value>

The color can be specified as

* a hexadecimal RGB value: #faf or #ffaaff
* a RGB value: rgb(255, 160, 255) or rgb(100%, 62.5%, 100%)
      Each value is from 0 to 255, or from 0% to 100%.
* a RGBA value: rgba(255, 160, 255, 1) or rgba(100%, 62.5%, 100%, 1)
      This variant includes an “alpha” component to allow 
      specification of the opacity of a color. Values are 
      in the range 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).
* a HSL value: hsl(0, 100%, 50%)
      A triple (hue, saturation, lightness). hue is an 
      angle in degrees. saturation and lightness are 
      percentages (0-100%).
* a HSLA value: hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1)
      This variant includes an “alpha” component to allow 
      specification of the opacity of a color. Values are 
      in the range 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).

hexadecimal RGB value仍然可以:

type HexDigit = '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' | 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f'

type Hex3 = `${HexDigit}${HexDigit}${HexDigit}`

type RGBColor<T extends string> = 
  Lowercase<T> extends `#${Hex3}`
      ? T
      : Lowercase<T> extends `#${Hex3}${infer Rest}`
        ? Rest extends Hex3
            ? T
            : never
        : never

我们必须引入类型变量T 否则为“扁平”联合类型:

type RGBColor = `#${Hex3}` | `#${Hex3}${Hex3}`

将由16^3 + 16^6成分组成,远远超过联合类型的100000打字稿限制。

让我们介绍一些辅助类型来处理数字。 我们必须检查百分比不大于100%并以%字符结尾。

type DecDigit = '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
type Digits0to4 = '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4'

type OnlyDecDigits<T extends string> = 
    T extends `${DecDigit}${infer Rest}`
        ? Rest extends ''
            ? 1
            : OnlyDecDigits<Rest>
        : never

type IsDecNumber<T extends string> =
    T extends `${infer Integer}.${infer Fractional}`
        ? Integer extends ''
            ? OnlyDecDigits<Fractional>
            : Fractional extends ''
                ? OnlyDecDigits<Integer>
                : OnlyDecDigits<Integer> & OnlyDecDigits<Fractional>
        : OnlyDecDigits<T>

type IntegerPart<T extends string> =
    T extends `${infer I}.${infer F}`
        ? I
        : T

type IsInteger<T extends string> = 
    1 extends IsDecNumber<T>
        ? T extends IntegerPart<T> 
            ? 1 
            : never
        : never

type Less100<T extends string> = 
    IsDecNumber<T> extends 1
        ? IntegerPart<T> extends `${DecDigit}` | `${DecDigit}${DecDigit}` | '100'
            ? 1
            : never
        : never

type IsPercent<T extends string> =
    '0' extends T
        ? 1
        : T extends `${infer P}%` 
            ? Less100<P> 
            : never


type Color255<T extends string> =
    1 extends IsInteger<T>
        ? T extends `${DecDigit}` 
                  | `${DecDigit}${DecDigit}` 
                  | `1${DecDigit}${DecDigit}` 
                  | `2${Digits0to4}${DecDigit}`
                  | `25${Digits0to4 | '5'}`
            ? 1
            : never
        : never


type IsColorValue<T extends string> = IsPercent<T> | Color255<T>


type WhiteSpace = ' '
type Trim<T> = T extends `${WhiteSpace}${infer U}` 
    ? Trim<U> 
    : T extends `${infer U}${WhiteSpace}` 
        ? Trim<U> 
        : T;


type RGB<T extends string> = 
    T extends `rgb(${infer R},${infer G},${infer B})` 
        ? '111' extends `${IsColorValue<Trim<R>>}${IsColorValue<Trim<G>>}${IsColorValue<Trim<B>>}`
            ? T
            : never
        : never

对于rgba / hsla我们需要不透明度。 在这里,我们只要求输入任何有效数字或百分比:

type Opacity<T extends string> = IsDecNumber<T> | IsPercent<T>


type RGBA<T extends string> =
    T extends `rgba(${infer R},${infer G},${infer B},${infer O})`
        ? '1111' extends `${IsColorValue<Trim<R>>}${IsColorValue<Trim<G>>}${IsColorValue<Trim<B>>}${Opacity<Trim<O>>}`
            ? T
            : never
        : never

hsl / hsla添加学位检查器:

type Degree<T extends string> =
    1 extends IsInteger<T>
        ? T extends `${DecDigit}`
                  | `${DecDigit}${DecDigit}`
                  | `${'1' | '2'}${DecDigit}${DecDigit}`
                  | `3${Digits0to4 | '5'}${DecDigit}`
                  | '360'
            ? 1
            : never
        : never


type HSL<T extends string> =
    T extends `hsl(${infer H},${infer S},${infer L})`
        ? `111` extends `${Degree<Trim<H>>}${IsPercent<Trim<S>>}${IsPercent<Trim<L>>}`
            ? T
            : never

type HSLA<T extends string> =
    T extends `hsla(${infer H},${infer S},${infer L},${infer O})`
        ? `1111` extends `${Degree<Trim<H>>}${IsPercent<Trim<S>>}${IsPercent<Trim<L>>}${Opacity<Trim<O>>}`
            ? T
            : never


type ColorValue<T extends string> = HexColor<T> | RGB<T> | RGBA<T> | HSL<T> | HSLA<T>

type Color<T extends string> = ColorValue<T> | ColorKeyword | 'currentColor' | 'transparent' | 'inherit'



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