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如何列出给定对象的所有 get 属性?

[英]How can I list all the get properties from a give object?


export class Foo
    #x: number;
    #y : number;

        this.#x = 20;
        this.#y = 10;

    public get a(): string { return "baa"; }
    public get n(): number { return 20; }

我怎样才能获得吸气剂属性,即["a", "n"] 我还没有要显示的代码,我查看了reflectreflect-metadata ,但找不到任何可以列出它们的内容。 我正在使用打字稿,但也欢迎使用 javascript 解决方案。


 const logGetters = obj => { if (!obj) return; for (const [key, desc] of Object.entries(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(obj))) { if (desc.get && key !== '__proto__') console.log(key); // exclude Object.prototype getter } logGetters(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)); }; class Foo { #x; #y; constructor() { this.#x = 20; this.#y = 10; } get a() { return "baa"; } get n() { return 20; } } const f = new Foo(); logGetters(f);

对于打字稿,只需使用const logGetters = (obj: object) => {注释。

您可以filter Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors

 class Foo { #x; #y; constructor() { this.#x = 20; this.#y = 10; } get a() { return "baa"; } get n() { return 20; } } const res = Object.entries(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(Foo.prototype)) .filter(([k, d])=>typeof d.get === 'function').map(([k])=>k); console.log(res);


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