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用于获取用户及其所属组的详细信息的 Powershell 脚本

[英]Powershell Script to get details of user along with group they are member of

我正在尝试导出 AD 用户列表以及他们所属的组,导出的 csv 格式应该类似于

A 组 User1_name
A 组 User2_name
B 组 User3_name
C 组 User4_name
C 组 User5_name


$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"  
Get-Content R:\PHRBI-R\ADGroup_list.csv | Where{$_ -ne $null -and $_.trim() -ne ""} |   
        $Group = $_   
        Write-Host "$Group"  
        Get-ADGroup -Identity $Group -Properties members |  
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty members |  
            Get-ADUser -Properties samaccountname, enabled |  
            Select samaccountname, name, Enabled  

但它没有提供我正在寻找的模板,并且新组不断添加,因此无法在任何文件中手动列出组并导出所需的详细信息。 如果有人可以提供帮助,我对 Powershell 完全陌生。

下面应该让你去,我试图让它合乎逻辑地遵循。 当然,这可以被清理和优化。

# Loop through each group
Get-Content R:\PHRBI-R\ADGroup_list.csv | Where-Object{$_ -ne $null -and $_.trim() -ne ""} | Foreach-Object {
    # Keep the group name so we can use it later
    $Group = $_
    # Get the group members and loop through each one
    (Get-ADGroup -Properties members -Identity $Group).members | Foreach-Object {
        # Get each members username
        "$Group $((Get-ADUser -identity $_ -Properties samaccountname).samaccountname)"

请注意,如果存在嵌套组(即组内的组),则Get-AdUser cmdlet 将出错。

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

New-Item R:\PHRBI-R\Nishant\AD_List\user_list.csv -ItemType File -force

Add-Content -Path R:\PHRBI-R\Nishant\AD_List\user_list.csv -Value 'Group Name, NUID, Name,Enabled'

$Groups=Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like 'ABC*'}  

foreach($Group in $Groups)

$Details=Get-ADGroup  -Identity $Group.Name -Properties members |

Select-Object -ExpandProperty members |

Get-ADUser -Properties samaccountname, enabled, name  | Select samaccountname, name, Enabled

foreach($Detail in $Details)

Add-Content -Path R:\PHRBI-R\Nishant\AD_List\user_list.csv -Value "$($Group.Name),$($Detail.samaccountname),$($Detail.name),$($Detail.Enabled)"


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