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[英]Typescript: How do define keys of an object by inference?

我想在不输入的情况下定义嵌套的 object 的键。 我怎样才能让 typescript 只接受键“itemA”和“itemB”而不输入它(因为实际上有两个以上的键)?

// I don't want the key to be any string. It should be whatever is in the object so `itemA | itemB`.
// I also DO NOT want to define all keys myself since it's much longer than in this example
interface IMyObject {
    bucket1: Record<string, string>;

const myObject:IMyObject = {
    bucket1: {
        itemA: "itemA",
        itemB: "itemB",

// This should be invalid
const itemC = myObject.bucket1.itemC;


// I don't want the key to be any string. It should be whatever is in the object so `itemA | itemB`.
// I also DO NOT want to define all keys myself since it's much longer than in this example
interface IMyObject<T> {
    bucket1: Record<keyof T, string>;

const bucket = {
        itemA: "itemA",
        itemB: "itemB",
const myObject:IMyObject<typeof bucket> = {
    bucket1: bucket,

// This should be invalid
const itemC = myObject.bucket1.itemC;

要按要求回答问题,您根本不需要任何显式类型。 TypeScript 将根据 object 文字推断类型信息:

const myObject = {
    bucket1: {
        itemA: "itemA",
        itemB: "itemB",

// This is invalid
const itemC = myObject.bucket1.itemC;



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