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[英]How can I group with multiple columns and count?

首先,我无法在标题中正确解释我的问题,但我认为它不是重复的。 我有一个 model 列表,它 id 喜欢按多个字段分组,然后将它们计入新字段,并将所有其他字段保留在结果中。 对于错误的解释,我很抱歉,我已经研究了几个小时如何做到这一点,但我无法弄清楚..我想从中得到:

销售编号 名称 产品 地址 电话 打印类型
112 苹果 新街12 11223344 打印类型 1
112 苹果 新街12 11223344 打印类型2
112 苹果 新街12 11223344 打印类型2
112 苹果 新街12 11223344 打印类型2
112 苹果 新街12 11223344 打印类型3
113 猕猴桃 新街12 11223344 打印类型3
114 橙子 新街19号 72754722 打印类型 1
115 约翰 橙子 新街11号 99236527 打印类型2
115 约翰 橙子 新街11号 99236527 打印类型2

按 SaleID 和 PrintType 分组,如下所示:

销售编号 名称 产品 地址 电话 NoOfPrintType1 NoOfPrintType2 NoOfPrintType3
112 苹果 新街12 11223344 1个 3个 1个
113 猕猴桃 新街12 11223344 0 0 1个
114 橙子 新街19号 72754722 1个 0 0
115 约翰 橙子 新街11号 99236527 0 2个 0

最好 id 喜欢使用 LINQ,但 id 也可以使用 SQL,id 只是想尽可能避免使用 for 循环。 编辑:有一定数量的打印类型,因此它不需要是动态的。

为了聚合一组 PrintTypes 的数据,您可以按 SaleId 分组,因为地址、电话和产品等附加数据对于 SaleId 是相同的(基于您的示例数据)。

var aggregated = from x in GenerateSales() 
    group x by x.SaleId into g // Assume that SaleId is the key that you want to group by
    select new Aggregate() 
        SaleId = g.Key, 
        // Additional data that are the same for all rows with the same SaleId
        Name = g.First().Name, 
        Product = g.First().Product, 
        Address = g.First().Address, 
        Phone = g.First().Phone, 
        // Calculate counts of Print Types
        NoOfPrintType1 = g.Where(x => x.PrintType == "PrintType1").Count(),
        NoOfPrintType2 = g.Where(x => x.PrintType == "PrintType2").Count(),
        NoOfPrintType3 = g.Where(x => x.PrintType == "PrintType3").Count(),

Linq 语句首先按 SaleId 分组,然后为每个 SaleId 创建一个 object,它包括

  • 销售编号
  • 地址,电话等附加数据...
  • 每个已知 PrintType 的计数(通过过滤组的项目然后计算行数来计算)



112 | Joe | Apple | New street 12 | 11223344 | 1 | 3 | 1
113 | Joe | Kiwi | New street 12 | 11223344 | 0 | 0 | 1
114 | Jane | Orange | New street 19 | 72754722 | 1 | 0 | 0
115 | John | Orange | New street 11 | 99236527 | 0 | 2 | 0


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace LinqTest
    class Sale 
        public string SaleId { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Product { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }
        public string Phone { get; set; }
        public string PrintType { get; set; }

    class Aggregate 
        public string SaleId { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Product { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }
        public string Phone { get; set; }
        public int NoOfPrintType1 { get; set; }
        public int NoOfPrintType2 { get; set; }
        public int NoOfPrintType3 { get; set; }

        public override string ToString() 
            return $"{SaleId} | {Name} | {Product} | {Address} | {Phone} | {NoOfPrintType1} | {NoOfPrintType2} | {NoOfPrintType3}";

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var aggregated = from x in GenerateSales() 
                group x by x.SaleId into g // Assume that SaleId is the key that you want to group by
                select new Aggregate() 
                    SaleId = g.Key, 
                    // Additional data that are the same for all rows with the same SaleId
                    Name = g.First().Name, 
                    Product = g.First().Product, 
                    Address = g.First().Address, 
                    Phone = g.First().Phone, 
                    // Calculate counts of Print Types
                    NoOfPrintType1 = g.Where(x => x.PrintType == "PrintType1").Count(),
                    NoOfPrintType2 = g.Where(x => x.PrintType == "PrintType2").Count(),
                    NoOfPrintType3 = g.Where(x => x.PrintType == "PrintType3").Count(),
            foreach(var a in aggregated)

        static IEnumerable<Sale> GenerateSales()
            yield return new Sale() { SaleId = "112", Name = "Joe", Product = "Apple", Address = "New street 12", Phone = "11223344", PrintType = "PrintType1" };
            yield return new Sale() { SaleId = "112", Name = "Joe", Product = "Apple", Address = "New street 12", Phone = "11223344", PrintType = "PrintType2" };
            yield return new Sale() { SaleId = "112", Name = "Joe", Product = "Apple", Address = "New street 12", Phone = "11223344", PrintType = "PrintType2" };
            yield return new Sale() { SaleId = "112", Name = "Joe", Product = "Apple", Address = "New street 12", Phone = "11223344", PrintType = "PrintType2" };
            yield return new Sale() { SaleId = "112", Name = "Joe", Product = "Apple", Address = "New street 12", Phone = "11223344", PrintType = "PrintType3" };
            yield return new Sale() { SaleId = "113", Name = "Joe", Product = "Kiwi", Address = "New street 12", Phone = "11223344", PrintType = "PrintType3" };
            yield return new Sale() { SaleId = "114", Name = "Jane", Product = "Orange", Address = "New street 19", Phone = "72754722", PrintType = "PrintType1" };
            yield return new Sale() { SaleId = "115", Name = "John", Product = "Orange", Address = "New street 11", Phone = "99236527", PrintType = "PrintType2" };
            yield return new Sale() { SaleId = "115", Name = "John", Product = "Orange", Address = "New street 11", Phone = "99236527", PrintType = "PrintType2" };

你可以使用这个 SQL 查询

with x as (
   SELECT  [SaleID],[Name],[Product],[Address],[Phone],[PrintType]
          ,case when [PrintType]='PrintType1' then count(*) else 0 end NoOfPrintType1
          ,case when [PrintType]='PrintType2' then count(*) else 0 end NoOfPrintType2
          ,case when [PrintType]='PrintType3' then count(*) else 0 end NoOfPrintType3
      FROM [Table_1]
      group by [SaleID] ,[Name],[Product],[Address],[Phone] ,[PrintType])
    select [SaleID],[Name],[Product],[Address],[Phone]
          ,sum(NoOfPrintType3)NoOfPrintType3 from x
   group by [SaleID]


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