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为什么恒等函数会破坏 Dart 中函数组合的类型推断?

[英]Why does the identity function break type inference of function composition in Dart?

我有一个函数,它包含 3 个函数,同时保留类型推断。 请注意,我的组合函数是左关联的,因此函数是从左到右应用的。

D Function(A) compose3<A, B, C, D>(
        B Function(A) fa, C Function(B) fb, D Function(C) fc) =>
    (x) => fc(fb(fa(x)));

int incr(int x) => x + 1;

T id<T>(T x) => x;

以下代码按预期工作。 res的类型被正确推断为int

void main() {
  var res = compose3(incr, incr, incr)(7);
  print('$res, ${res.runtimeType}'); // 10, int


var res = compose3(incr, id, incr)(7); // error


Couldn't infer type parameter 'C'.

Tried to infer 'dynamic' for 'C' which doesn't work:
  Parameter 'fc' declared as     'D Function(C)'
                 but argument is 'int Function(int)'.
The type 'dynamic' was inferred from:
  Parameter 'fb' declared as     'C Function(B)'
                 but argument is 'dynamic Function(dynamic)'.

Consider passing explicit type argument(s) to the generic.

The argument type 'int Function(int)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'int Function(dynamic)'.


int res = compose3(incr, id, incr)(7); // error


T id<T extends int>(T x) => x;


void main() {
  var res = incr(id(incr(7)));
  print('$res, ${res.runtimeType}'); // 9, int

这已经在 Dartpad 中进行了测试,具有 null 安全性,Dart SDK 2.14.3。



extension ComposeExtension on Function {
  C Function(A) pipe<A, B, C>(C Function(B) f) => (x) => f(this(x));

int incr(int x) => x + 1;

T id<T>(T x) => x;

void main() {
  var res = incr
  print('$res, ${res.runtimeType}'); // 9, int


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