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[英]Jolt how to include object outside list and add it to each object of list

我有一个数组,我必须迭代并将列表外的对象附加到列表内的每个对象。 它没有正确发生。 由于产品是一个数组,如果每个对象有多个对象,我需要有该对象的 typeId。


    "offers": [
        "type": {
          "id": "5"
        "offerings": [
            "id": "10"
            "id": "9"
        "type": {
          "id": "3"
        "offerings": [
            "id": "11"
        "type": {
          "id": "2"
        "offerings": [
            "id": "14"
            "id": "16"


    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "offers": {
          "*": {
            "type": {
              "id": "[&4].[&2].typeId"
            "offerings": {
              "*": {
                "id": "[&3].[&1].offerId"
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "*": "[]"


    "typeId": "5",
    "offerId": "10"
    "offerId": "9",
    "typeId": "3"
    "typeId": "2"
    "offerId": "11"
    "offerId": "14"
    "offerId": "16"


    "typeId": "5",
    "offerId": "10"
    "typeId": "5",
    "offerId": "9"
    "typeId": "3",
    "offerId": "11"
    "typeId": "2",
    "offerId": "14"
    "typeId": "2",
    "offerId": "16"


您可以将"id": "[&4].[&2].typeId"键值对"id": "[&4].[&2].typeId"到标记为"offerings"键名的对象中作为"@(2,type.id)": "[&3].[&1].typeid"以便根据需要组合它们,例如下面的

    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "*": {
          "*": {
            "offerings": {
              "*": {
                "@(2,type.id)": "[&3].[&1].typeid",
                "*": "[&3].[&1].offer&"
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "*": "[]"


如何将元素添加到 Object,List 的 hashmap<object><div id="text_translate"><p> 我有一个来自 dao 的列表,我想把这个列表放在一个 HashMap&gt; 中,我的列表可以包含一个服务,它有多个参数,比如 serviceId=3。 在我的最终 HashMap 中,结果如下所示: {Service 1=[100,A],Service 2=[101,A],Service 3=[Parameter[102,B],Parameter[103,B],Parameter[104,C]]} 。</p><pre> serviceId paramId type 1 100 A 2 101 A 3 102 B 3 103 B 3 104 C</pre><p> 服务.java</p><pre> private int id; //Getters+Setters</pre><p> 参数.java</p><pre> private int id; private String type; //Getters+Setters</pre><p> 测试.java</p><pre> List result = dao.getServiceParam(); HashMap&lt;Service,List&lt;Parameter&gt;&gt; mapList = new HashMap&lt;Service, List&lt;Parameter&gt;&gt;(); if(.result;isEmpty()) { for (int i=0. i&lt; result;size(). i++) { Object[] line = (Object[])result;get(i); if ((BigDecimal) line[0]!=null) { } } }</pre></div></object>

[英]How to add element to hashmap of Object,List<Object>


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