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[英]JS read multiple lines from text file


#DATA1 1000
#DATA2 1000
#DATA3 2000

#VER B 2 20190403 "Text" 20190413
#TRANS 3001 {1 "TEXT"} -14000 "" "" 0
#TRANS 2611 {1 "TEXT"} -3500 "" "" 0
#TRANS 1510 {1 "LIU"} 17500 "" "" 0
#VER C 1 20190426 "TEXT" 20190426
#TRANS 1930 {} 1875 "" "" 0
#TRANS 1510 {} -1875 "" "" 0


  1. 从以#VER 开头的每一行到以#VER 开头的下一行之前的行,将文本文件分段
  2. 然后在段中的每个文本行上执行其他代码(不是这个问题的一部分)

任何建议如何开始我? 一直在用这个小提琴进行测试,但到目前为止没有成功。


基本解析。 我会匹配以# 开头的行。 您可以轻松地遍历每一行并忽略带有 { 或 } 的那些,或者如果大括号真的很重要,那么您将需要遍历每一行。

但假设 { 和 } 不是真正需要的,你可以做这样的事情。

 var txt = `#DATA1 1000 #DATA2 1000 #DATA3 2000 #VER B 2 20190403 "Text" 20190413 { #TRANS 3001 {1 "TEXT"} -14000 "" "" 0 #TRANS 2611 {1 "TEXT"} -3500 "" "" 0 #TRANS 1510 {1 "LIU"} 17500 "" "" 0 } #VER C 1 20190426 "TEXT" 20190426 { #TRANS 1930 {} 1875 "" "" 0 #TRANS 1510 {} -1875 "" "" 0 } `; // parse out the commands const commands = txt.match(/(#[^\\n]+)/g) // loop over const results = commands.reduce((acc, command) => { // break it up into its parts const [x, type, params] = command.match(/#([^\\s]+)\\s(.*)/) // if we find a ver, add new object to push to // if we find trans, push to the last object // else, assume it is data fields if (type === "VER") { acc.vers.push({ data: params, trans: [] }); } else if (type === "TRANS") { acc.vers[acc.vers.length - 1].trans.push(params); } else { acc.data[type] = params; } return acc; }, { data: {}, vers: [] }); console.log(results);

退后一步,看起来您正在尝试编写代码解释器。 这样做的基本步骤是:

  • 将代码转换为标记序列(即使用“词法分析器”进行词法分析)
  • 使用令牌转换成某种结构化格式,以便可以执行(例如,二叉语法树,使用解析器)

您可以自己编写这些,但您可能想要探索标准代码解释引擎,因为它们可以为您完成很多艰苦的工作。 不过,学习曲线可能有点陡峭。

对于简单的语言,您可能可以做一些不太正式的事情。 快速浏览一下您的示例似乎表明代码被分解为行,因此换行符很重要。 看起来重要的关键字以# 符号作为前缀很有帮助。 鉴于上述情况,我可能会首先执行以下操作:

const data = `
#DATA1 1000
#DATA2 1000
#DATA3 2000

#VER B 2 20190403 "Text" 20190413
#TRANS 3001 {1 "TEXT"} -14000 "" "" 0
#TRANS 2611 {1 "TEXT"} -3500 "" "" 0
#TRANS 1510 {1 "LIU"} 17500 "" "" 0
#VER C 1 20190426 "TEXT" 20190426
#TRANS 1930 {} 1875 "" "" 0
#TRANS 1510 {} -1875 "" "" 0

// Get the data as individual lines
let dataLines = data.split("\n")

// Remove empty lines
dataLines = dataLines.filter(line => line !== "")

// Convert to tokens
tokenisedData = dataLines.map(line => {
  let tokenName = "UNKNOWN";
  if (line.match(/^#VER .+/)) {
    tokenName = "VER_TOKEN"
  } else if (line.match(/^#TRANS .+/)) {
    tokenName = "TRANS_TOKEN"
  } else if (line.match(/^#(DATA1|DATA2|DATA3) .+/)) {
    tokenName = "DATA_TOKEN"
  } else if (line === "{") {
    tokenName = "OPEN_BLOCK"
  } else if (line === "}") {
    tokenName = "CLOSE_BLOCK"
  return {
    token: tokenName,
    rawText: line

// Contexual parsing based on known token sequences may begin
const parsedData = [];

while (tokenisedData.length > 0) {
  // Consume the first token
  currentToken = tokenisedData.shift();
  switch (currentToken.token) {

    // Convert known sequence VER_TOKEN, OPEN_BLOCK, <<nested commands>> , CLOSE_BLOCK
    case "VER_TOKEN":
      // Set up an object to contain the VER command and the nested block
      const verCommand = {
        token: "VER_COMMAND",
        // TODO - presumably need to parse the rawText here and populate in this verCommand object
        rawText: currentToken.rawText,
        nestedCommands: []
      // We now expect an OPEN_BLOCK. Throw if not.
      let nextToken = tokenisedData.shift();
      if (nextToken.token !== "OPEN_BLOCK") {
        throw "Parse error: expected OPEN_BLOCK for VER command but instead got " + nextToken.token
      nextToken = tokenisedData.shift();
      // Add the nested commands into the VER nestedCommands array
      while (nextToken && nextToken.token !== "CLOSE_BLOCK") {
        // Get the next token
        nextToken = tokenisedData.shift();
      // We now must have a CLOSE_BLOCK token
      if (nextToken.token !== "CLOSE_BLOCK") {
        throw "Parse error: expected CLOSE_BLOCK for VER command but instead got " + nextToken.token
      // Add the parsed VER command to the resulting parsed data

    // Nothing special to do with this token - keep it as it is


这个例子比我最初计划的要多一些。 :)



      "rawText":"#DATA1 1000",
      "rawText":"#DATA2 1000",
      "rawText":"#DATA3 2000",
            "rawText":"#TRANS 3001 {1 \\&quot;TEXT\\&quot;} -14000 \\&quot;\\&quot; \\&quot;\\&quot; 0",
            "rawText":"#TRANS 2611 {1 \\&quot;TEXT\\&quot;} -3500 \\&quot;\\&quot; \\&quot;\\&quot; 0",
            "rawText":"#TRANS 1510 {1 \\&quot;LIU\\&quot;} 17500 \\&quot;\\&quot; \\&quot;\\&quot; 0",
      "rawText":"#VER B 2 20190403 \\&quot;Text\\&quot; 20190413",
            "rawText":"#TRANS 1930 {} 1875 \\&quot;\\&quot; \\&quot;\\&quot; 0",
            "rawText":"#TRANS 1510 {} -1875 \\&quot;\\&quot; \\&quot;\\&quot; 0",
      "rawText":"#VER C 1 20190426 \\&quot;TEXT\\&quot; 20190426",

值得注意的是,VER 命令以及左括号和右括号以及所有嵌套命令都已被使用,现在包含在单个 VER_COMMAND 对象中。



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