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如何显式注释 TypeScript 混合工厂函数的返回类型?

[英]How to explicitly annotate the return type of a TypeScript mixin factory function?

鉴于此处描述的示例 TypeScript mixin 模式:

type Constructor = new (...args: any[]) => {};
// This mixin adds a scale property, with getters and setters
// for changing it with an encapsulated private property:
function Scale<TBase extends Constructor>(Base: TBase) {
  return class Scaling extends Base {
    // Mixins may not declare private/protected properties
    // however, you can use ES2020 private fields
    _scale = 1;
    setScale(scale: number) {
      this._scale = scale;
    get scale(): number {
      return this._scale;

我们将如何显式注释Scale函数的返回类型? 也就是说,填写???

function Scale<TBase extends Constructor>(Base: TBase): ??? { 

您不需要为Scale函数声明显式返回类型,因为 TypeScript 足够聪明,可以推断返回类型。 将鼠标悬停在Scale ,您将看到返回类型为

    new (...args: any[]): Scaling;
    prototype: Scale<any>.Scaling;
} & TBase

此外,如果您想为Scale使用显式返回类型,您应该在Scale函数之外声明Scaling (内部类)。 像这样:

 class Scaling extends Base {

    _scale = 1;
    setScale(scale: number) {
      this._scale = scale;
    get scale(): number {
      return this._scale;

function Scale<TBase extends Constructor>(Base: TBase) {
  return Scaling


这意味着我们应该创建Mixin函数,就像在docs - Alternative Pattern 中一样

// credits goes to credits goes to https://stackoverflow.com/a/50375286
type UnionToIntersection<U> =
    (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends (
        k: infer I
    ) => void
    ? I
    : never;

type ClassType = new (...args: any[]) => any;

function Mixin<T extends ClassType, R extends T[]>(...classRefs: [...R]):
    new (...args: any[]) => UnionToIntersection<InstanceType<[...R][number]>> {
    return merge(class { }, ...classRefs);

function merge(derived: ClassType, ...classRefs: ClassType[]) {
    classRefs.forEach(classRef => {
        Object.getOwnPropertyNames(classRef.prototype).forEach(name => {
            // you can get rid of type casting in this way
            const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(classRef.prototype, name)
            if (name !== 'constructor' && descriptor) {

    return derived;

class Foo {
    tag = 'foo'

class Scaling extends Mixin(Foo) {

    _scale = 1;

    setScale(scale: number) {
        this._scale = scale;

    get scale(): number {
        return this._scale;

const result = new Scaling();

result.tag // string
result.scale // number


UnionToIntersection - 创建联合类型的交集。 你可以在这个答案中找到完整的解释

ClassType - 与您的Constructor几乎相同的类型。 它是任何类构造函数的类型。

Mixin - 借助可变元组类型推断参数中提供的每个类构造函数,并将它们的所有实例合并为一个对象UnionToIntersection<InstanceType<[...R][number]>>

`[...R][number]` - takes a union of all provided class intstances
`InstanceType<[...R][number]>>` - replace every class constructor in the union 
                                  with class instance accordingly
`UnionToIntersection<InstanceType<[...R][number]>>` - merges all class instances

merge - 与文档中的applyMixins相同




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