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递归 flatMap

[英]Recursive flatMap

我试图弄清楚如何将以下 javascript 函数转换为一个动态函数,该函数将递归地执行flapMap。

 function getPermutations(object) { let array1 = object[0].options, array2 = object[1].options, array3 = object[2].options; return array1.flatMap(function(array1_item) { return array2.flatMap(function(array2_item) { return array3.flatMap(function(array3_item) { return array1_item + ' ' + array2_item + ' ' + array3_item; }); }); }); } let object = [{ "options": ['blue', 'gray', 'green'] }, { "options": ['large', 'medium', 'small'] }, { "options": ['wood', 'steel', 'pastic'] }]; console.log('Permutations', getPermutations(object));

在这个例子中,我将 3 个数组发送到函数中,这就是为什么它有 3 次flapMap 迭代。 工作正常,但我试图使它成为动态的,所以我可以传递一个动态数组,并且该函数将根据数组递归地执行flapMap。

在您的示例中,您在各自的变量中跟踪了array1_itemarray2_item和 co 。 您可以将它们移动到一个数组(具有动态大小;我称之为_prevItems )并将它们作为参数传递给递归调用。

 function getPermutations(objects, _prevItems = []) { // join the items at the end of the recursion if (objects.length === 0) return _prevItems.join(' ') // call again with all but the first element, and add the current item to _prevItems return objects[0].flatMap(item => getPermutations(objects.slice(1), [..._prevItems, item])) } let objects = [['blue', 'gray', 'green'], ['large', 'medium', 'small'], ['wood', 'steel', 'pastic']]; console.log('Permutations', getPermutations(objects));



 function getPermutations(list) { return ( list // First map to list of options (list of list of strings) .map((item) => item.options) // Then reduce. Do not set any initial value. // Then the initial value will be the first list of options (in // our example, ["blue", "gray", "green"]) .reduce((permutations, options) => { return permutations.flatMap((permutation) => options.map((option) => permutation + " " + option) ); }) ); } // Renamed this to list, since it is an array and not an object const list = [ { options: ["blue", "gray", "green"] }, { options: ["large", "medium", "small"] }, { options: ["wood", "steel", "pastic"] }, ]; console.log("Permutations", getPermutations(list));

编辑:我知道你要求递归。 如果这是一项学校任务,那么也许您必须使用递归,否则我建议尽可能避免递归,因为它往往会使事情变得更加复杂。 (当然,这是一般规则,与所有规则一样,它也有一些例外。)

您可以使用递归自底向上方法一次 flatMap 两个数组,并从最后构建您的字符串

const getPermutations = (array) => {
  if(array.length === 1)
     return array[0].options;

  const prefixItems = array[0].options;
  const suffixItems = getPermutations(array.slice(1));

  return prefixItems.flatMap(prefix => {
    return suffixItems.flatMap(suffix => {
      return prefix + ' ' + suffix

您可以使用递归使您的函数动态化。 我的解决方案是,您需要创建一个带有三个参数(数组、索引、结果)的函数,一遍又一遍地调用您的函数,直到您完成对所有数组对象的迭代。 例如:

 function getPermutations(array, index = 0, prev = "") { // if the current index is lower than array length, keep calling the function if (index < array.length - 1) { return array[index].options.flatMap(item => { // if the previous value is empty, send the current item const current = prev ? `${prev} ${item}` : item; // resend the current value for the next iteration return getPermutations(array, index + 1, current); }); } else { // end of the iteration return array[index].options.flatMap(item => `${prev} ${item}`); } } let object = [{ "options": ['blue', 'gray', 'green'] }, { "options": ['large', 'medium', 'small'] }, { "options": ['wood', 'steel', 'pastic'] }]; console.log('Permutations', getPermutations(object));


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