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TS 从对象参数的回调属性的返回类型推断

[英]TS infer from return type of callback property of an object parameter

我在尝试推断函数post返回类型的类型时遇到了这个问题。 它的第二个参数是一个具有transform属性的对象。 因此,如果提供了transform参数,则post的返回类型应该是transform的返回类型,否则第一个为post函数提供的第一个泛型类型。 我希望被理解。

type DefautlHttpCallInit = {  
  throttle?: number;
  baseUrl?: string;
  url?: string;
  onSend?(e: HttpCallInit) : void | Promise<void>;

export type HttpCallInit = RequestInit & DefautlHttpCallInit 

export type HttpCallInitOf<T> = RequestInit & DefautlHttpCallInit & {
  transform?: <TOut>(v: T) => TOut

export type HttpCallerInstance = {  
  post<T, TInit extends HttpCallInitOf<T>>(data?: T, init?: TInit): Promise<TInit extends {transform(e: T): infer XOut} ? XOut : T>;

//hack reference
let r = {} as HttpCallerInstance;

interface Post {
    id?: number;
    title: string;

interface User {
  id: number;
  userName: string;

interface UserPost extends Post{
  user: User

const user = {/* info props */} as User;

r.post({title: 'New post'} as Post, {
  //First: infer 
  transform(post) { 
    return Object.assign(post, {user}) as UserPost
{ "compilerOptions": { "strict": true, "noImplicitAny": true, "strictNullChecks": true, "strictFunctionTypes": true, "strictPropertyInitialization": true, "strictBindCallApply": true, "noImplicitThis": true, "noImplicitReturns": true, "alwaysStrict": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "declaration": true, "experimentalDecorators": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, "target": "Latest", "module": "ESNext", "moduleResolution": "node" } }



您将泛型TOut指定为转换本身的泛型,但这不是它所代表的,方法或函数上的泛型决定了它被调用时的行为。 您想在声明中指定转换输出类型(与T位于同一位置),然后将其指定为post函数的泛型, 如下所示

export type HttpCallInitOf<T, TransformedType = unknown> = RequestInit & DefautlHttpCallInit & {
  transform?: (v: T) => TransformedType

export type HttpCallerInstance = {  
  post<T, TransformedType = T>(data?: T, init?: HttpCallInitOf<T,TransformedType>): Promise<TransformedType>;
  // TransformedType is defaults to T so if it can't be infered it stays as T


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