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Powershell PnP - 在线登录 Sharepoint 并下载文件

[英]Powershell PnP - login to Sharepoint online and download file

我正在尝试使用 PnP 登录 Sharepoint Online。 问题是,一旦我使用凭据,它就会提示我 select windows 凭据,而我尝试使用 weblogin:

Connect-PnPOnline -Url "https://somesite.sharepoint.com" -UseWebLogin

它会自动尝试使用我当前的 Windows 用户登录。

我试图实现的是使用我在代码中提供的一些用户/密码进行身份验证,并在后台从 Sharepoint 下载文件。

有什么方法可以通过 PnP 实现吗?


# Variable - Change the parameter as it need  
$O365ServiceAccount = "test@abc.com"  
$O365ServiceAccountPwd = "Test123$"  
$SharePointSiteURL = "https://abc.sharepoint.com/sites/Test"  
# Change this SharePoint Site URL  
$SharedDriveFolderPath = "C:\Users\kumavini\Documents\FolderA"  
# Change this Network Folder path  
$SharePointFolderPath = "Shared Documents/FolderA"  
# Change the Document Library and Folder path  
#Ends[SecureString] $SecurePass = ConvertTo - SecureString $O365ServiceAccountPwd - AsPlainText - Force[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $PSCredentials = New - Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($O365ServiceAccount, $SecurePass)  
#Connecting to SharePoint site  
Connect - PnPOnline - Url $SharePointSiteURL - Credentials $PSCredentials  
$Files = Get - PnPFolderItem - FolderSiteRelativeUrl $SharePointFolderPath - ItemType File  
foreach($File in $Files) {  
    Get - PnPFile - Url $File.ServerRelativeUrl - Path $SharedDriveFolderPath - FileName $File.Name - AsFile  


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