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[英]How to define a generic type with a pointer receiver method and a non-pointer receiver method

我已经开始尝试 Go generics。 有没有办法定义一个泛型类型,例如:一个方法不需要用指针接收器调用,另一种方法需要用指针接收器调用。


type MapKey interface {

type Unmarshaller[T any] interface {
    UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type Marshaller[T any] interface {
    MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

type MapValue[T any] interface {

type Map[T any, K MapKey, V MapValue[T]] struct {
    _ K
    _ V

func (m Map[K, V]) Save(k K, v V) error {
    _, _ = v.MarshalJSON()
    return nil

func (m Map[K, V]) Get(k K) (value V, err error) {
    v := new(V)
    err = v.UnmarshalJSON(m.bytesFromKey(k))
    return *v, nil

// here I need to make sure V is actually a pointer so that UnmarshalJSON correctly propagates to the caller of GetTo and no copy is made of V
func (m Map[K, V]) GetTo(k K, v V) error {
    bytesValue := m.kv.Get(m.bytesFromKey(k))
    return v.UnmarshalJSON(v)


./map_generic.go:26:16: V has no constraints
./map_generic.go:27:11: v.MarshalJSON undefined (type bound for V has no method MarshalJSON)
./map_generic.go:31:16: V has no constraints
./map_generic.go:33:10: v.UnmarshalJSON undefined (type *V has no field or method UnmarshalJSON)

好的,所以自我回答我的问题。 我还没有找到一种方法来约束一个接口具有指针方法和非指针方法。


这是代码(GOVERSION="devel go1.18-c239790 Sat Nov 13 03:33:55 2021 +0000")

package storage

// Marshaller has T type parameter
type Marshaller[T interface{}] interface {
    MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

// Unmarshaller has T type parameter and we force it to be a pointer
type Unmarshaller[T interface{}] interface {
    UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

// Map so here we need T, and we force Marshaller and Unmarshaller to be using the same type T
type Map[T any, K comparable, MV Marshaller[T], UV Unmarshaller[T]] struct {


func NewMap[T any, K comparable, MV Marshaller[T], UV Unmarshaller[T]]() Map[T, K, MV, UV] {
    return Map[T, K, MV, UV]{}

// Save accepts the non pointer version of T to use for MarshalJSON
func (m Map[T, K, MV, UV]) Save(k K, v MV) {

// GetTo accepts the pointer version of T to use for UnmarshalJSON
func (m Map[T, K, MV, UV]) GetTo(k K, v UV) {


package storage

import (

type x struct {


func (x *x) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
    return nil

func (x x) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return nil, nil

// This will compile
func TestMarshalNoPointer(t *testing.T) {
    m := NewMap[x, string, x, *x]()
    m.Save("hi", x{})

// This will compile
func TestUnmarshalPointer(t *testing.T) {
    m := NewMap[x, string, x, *x]()
    m.GetTo("hi", &x{})

// This won't compile
func TestUnmarshalNoPointer(t *testing.T) {
    m := NewMap[x, string, x, *x]()
    m.GetTo("hi", x{})

一如既往地感谢stackoverflow的友善。 希望这不会被否决票淹没,并且有人会发现它有帮助。


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