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如何更有效地重用 Given Specflow 步骤

[英]How can I reuse the Given Specflow step more efficiently


Scenario Outline: Member is assigned to dynamic scope

    Given a dynamic device scope with "<id>", "<name>", "<description>" and "<filter>" exist

    When I post new member assign request with "<member id>", "<first name>", "<last name>" and "<email>"

    Then the response is "<status code>"

    And a member with "<member id>", "<first name>", "<last name>" and "<email>" is added to the dynamic device scope
| no | id | name | desc | filter | member id | first name | last name | email| status code |

| 1  | 01 | name | desc | filter | ee749612  | first      | last    | t1@mail.com| Created |

我希望能够重用此场景大纲并为动态人员 scope 运行它。 像这样的东西:

Given a **dynamic people** scope with "<id>", "<name>", "<description>" and "<filter>" exist

动态设备的 Given 背后的步骤如下所示:

[Given(@"a dynamic device scope with ""(.*)"", ""(.*)"", ""(.*)"" and ""(.*)"" exist")]
public void GivenADynamicDeviceScopeWithAndExist(Guid id, string name, string description, string filter)

        _scopeId = _scenarioSettings.ScopesStorage.BuildTestDynamicDeviceScope(id, name, description, filter);


由于步骤定义正在调用BuildTestDynamicDeviceScope ,因此似乎 C# API 特定于所请求的 scope 类型。 我建议创建两个单独的步骤:

Given a dynamic device scope...
Given a dynamic people scope...


Scenario Outline: Member is assigned to dynamic scope
    Given a dynamic <scope type> scope with "<id>", "<name>", "<description>" and "<filter>" exist
    When I post new member assign request with "<member id>", "<first name>", "<last name>" and "<email>"
    Then the response is "<status code>"
    And a member with "<member id>", "<first name>", "<last name>" and "<email>" is added to the dynamic device scope

    | scope type | no | id | name | desc | filter | member id | first name | last name | email      | status code |
    | device     | 1  | 01 | name | desc | filter | ee749612  | first      | last      | t1@mail.com| Created     |
    | people     | .. | .. | ...  | ...  | ...    | ...       | ...        | ...       | ...        | ...         |


Given a dynamic <scope type> scope with ...

场景大纲令牌不需要替换步骤 arguments。 他们可以简单地替换步骤文本本身的一部分。


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