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如何循环通过 javascript 中的对象的 JSON 数组?

[英]How do I loop through a JSON array of objects in javascript?

我想遍历 JSON 文件 - 我相信它是一个对象数组。 对于每个 object,我想获取“名称”属性以及每种成分的名称及其值(以字符串形式)以显示在它自己的 div 中。 JSON 文件和 JS 代码如下。 无论我做什么,我似乎都无法成功循环和访问属性。


 [{ "name": "Rum & Coke", "ingredients": { "rum": 50, "coke": 150 } }, { "name": "Gin & Tonic", "ingredients": { "gin": 50, "tonic": 150 } }, { "name": "Long Island", "ingredients": { "gin": 15, "rum": 15, "vodka": 15, "tequila": 15, "coke": 100, "oj": 30 } }, { "name": "Screwdriver", "ingredients": { "vodka": 50, "oj": 150 } } ]

 const data = require('./drinkList.json') const data = JSON.parse(data) var mainContainer = document.getElementById("drinks"); for (let i in data) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("class", "DrinkContainer") var drinkName = document.createElement("p") drinkName.setAttribute("class", "DrinkName") drinkName.innerHTML = data[i]['name'] div.appendChild(drinkName); var drinkIngredients = document.createElement("p") drinkIngredients.setAttribute("class", "DrinkIngs") const ingredientsInDrink = data[i]['ingredients'] let ingNameArray = Object.keys(ingredientsInDrink) for (const x in ingNameArray) { for (const amount in ingredientsInDrink[x]) { const ing = x; const ingAmount = amount.toString(); const stringForIngredients = ingAmount + "mls of " + ing } } drinkIngredients.innerHTML = stringForIngredients div.appendChild(drinkIngredients) mainContainer.append(div) }


 const data=[{name:'Rum & Coke',ingredients:{rum:50,coke:150}},{name:'Gin & Tonic',ingredients:{gin:50,tonic:150}},{name:'Long Island',ingredients:{gin:15,rum:15,vodka:15,tequila:15,coke:100,oj:30}},{name:'Screwdriver',ingredients:{vodka:50,oj:150}}]; const mainContainer = document.getElementById('drinks'); // For arrays you should be using for...of for (let obj of data) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('class', 'drinkContainer') const drinkName = document.createElement('p') drinkName.setAttribute('class', 'drinkName') // We can now use obj.name rather than data[i]['name'] drinkName.innerHTML = obj.name; div.appendChild(drinkName); const drinkIngredients = document.createElement('p'); drinkIngredients.setAttribute('class', 'DrinkIngs'); const entries = Object.entries(obj.ingredients); // Instead of a string create a new element const ingredients = document.createElement('div'); // Instead of Object.keys use Object.entries which // returns an array of a key/value pair which I've // named `name` and `amount` for (const [name, amount] of entries) { // Create a new paragraph element const ingredient = document.createElement('p'); // Update the text content of the paragraph ingredient.textContent = amount + 'mls of ' + name; // And append it to the ingredients div ingredients.appendChild(ingredient); } div.appendChild(ingredients); mainContainer.append(div); }
 .drinkContainer { background-color: #efefef; padding: 1em; margin: 1em; }.drinkName { font-weight: 700; }
 <div id="drinks"></div>

更现代的方法可能是使用模板字符串map来构建 HTML,然后将最终结果添加为 DOM 元素的 innerHTML。

 const data=[{name:"Rum & Coke",ingredients:{rum:50,coke:150}},{name:"Gin & Tonic",ingredients:{gin:50,tonic:150}},{name:"Long Island",ingredients:{gin:15,rum:15,vodka:15,tequila:15,coke:100,oj:30}},{name:"Screwdriver",ingredients:{vodka:50,oj:150}}]; // `map` over the data array const html = data.map(obj => { // Destructure the name and ingredient props const { name, ingredients } = obj; // Create some HTML for the name. We're using // template strings for ease of reading const nHtml = `<p class="name">${name}</p>`; // Get the object entries of the ingredient object const iEntries = Object.entries(ingredients); // `map` over the entries and create some HTML // for the ingredient name and value. `map` returns // and array so we need to `join` it into a string const iHtml = iEntries.map(([name, value]) => { return `<p>${name} - ${value}`; }).join(''); // Return the combined HTML for the name and ingredients return `<div class="drink"><p>${nHtml}</p>${iHtml}</div>`; }).join(''); // Add the HTML to the DOM element document.querySelector('#main').innerHTML = html;
 .name { font-weight: 700; }.drink { background-color: #efefef; padding: 1em; margin: 1em; }
 <div id="main"></div>


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