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[英]How to make nested foreach loop method generic


var theBigFruitsList = new List<Fruits>{
    new Fruits(){
        Apples = new List<Apple>{
                new Apple { Id = 1 },
                new Apple { Id = 2 }
        Oranges = new List<Orange>{
                new Orange { Id = 4 },
                new Orange { Id = 5 }
        FruitBoolean = False,
        FruitCount = 4,
    new Fruits(){
        Apples = new List<Apple>{
                new Apple { Id = 3 },
                new Apple { Id = 1 },
        Oranges = new List<Orange>{
                new Orange { Id = 6 },
        FruitBoolean = False,
        FruitCount = 3,


public static List<Apple> GetApplesFromBigFruitsList(List<Fruits> theBigFruitsList )
    var dc = new Dictionary<long, Apple>();
    foreach (var fruits in theBigFruitsList)
        foreach (var apple in fruits.Apples)
            if (!dc.ContainsKey(apple.Id))
                dc.Add(apple.Id, apple);
    return dc.Values.ToList();

但是,除了苹果和橙子之外,object 中还有许多其他类型的“水果”,我有超过 10 次这种方法,其中苹果这个词只是被橙子取代了。让它通用是有意义的。

我写了这个 function 但它给出了一个错误,因为 Fruits class 没有实现枚举器。 请帮忙!

    public static List<T> FilterFruits<T>(T typeToGet, List<Fruits> theBigFruitsList)
        List<T> fruitResult = new List<T>();

        var fruitType = typeToGet.GetType();

        foreach (var fruits in theBigFruitsList)
            foreach (var fruit in fruits) //errors, intention is to loop over all properties in the Fruits entity to find one specific type
                if (fruit.GetType() == fruitType) //check if type is Apple
                    fruitResult.AddRange(fruits); //add the Apples to a list
        return fruitResult;


public class Fruits{
    public List<Apple> Apples { get; set; }
    public List<Orange> Oranges { get; set; }
    public List<Pineapple> Pineapples { get; set; }
    public List<Mango> Mangos { get; set; }
    public bool FruitBoolean { get; set; }
    public long FruitCount { get; set; }
public class Apple{
    public long Id { get; set; }
public class Orange{
    public long Id { get; set; }
public class Pineapple{
    public long Id { get; set; }
public class Mango{
    public long Id { get; set; }


var Apples = List<Apple>{
    new Apple { Id = 1 },
    new Apple { Id = 2 },
    new Apple { Id = 3 }


将每种水果存储在自己的单独列表中是……很奇怪。 我建议您将它们组合在一个列表中。 如果您无法更改设计,则可以在运行时将它们组合起来,如下所示:

IEnumerable<object> GetAllFruits(Fruits bigFruitlist)
    return ((IEnumerable<object>)bigFruitlist.Apples) 

当然,如果你所有的水果都有一个共同的接口会更好——那么你就不需要IEnumerable<object> ——但如果你也不能做出改变,这仍然可以工作。

获得组合列表后,rest 很容易:

List<T> FilterFruits<T>(Fruits bigFruitlist)
    return GetAllFruits(bigFruitList).OfType<T>().ToList();



object[] GetAllFruitLists(Fruits bigFruitlist)
    return new object[]

List<T> FilterFruits<T>(Fruits bigFruitlist)
    return GetAllFruitLists(bigFruitList).OfType<List<T>>();

要在运行时询问对象的类型,请使用反射。 像这样:

public static List<T> FilterFruits<T>(List<Fruits> fruitsList) where T : IFruit
    List<T> fruitResult = new List<T>();

    var fruitType = typeof(T);

    foreach (var fruits in fruitsList)
        foreach (var fp in typeof(Fruits).GetProperties())
            if (fp.PropertyType == typeof(List<T>)) //check if type is Apple
                fruitResult.AddRange((List<T>)(object)fp.GetValue(fruits)); //add the Apples to a list
    return fruitResult;


public static List<T> GetDistinct<T>( IEnumerable<Fruits> fruitsList) where T : IFruit
    var ft = typeof(T);
    Func<Fruits, List<T>> picker;

    if (ft == typeof(Apple))
        picker = (fruits) => (List<T>)(object)fruits.Apples;
    else if (ft == typeof(Mango))
        picker = (fruits) => (List<T>)(object)fruits.Mangos;
        throw new NotImplementedException($"Fruit Type {ft.Name} not supported");

    var rv = new Dictionary<long, T>();
    foreach (var t in fruitsList.SelectMany(picker))
        if (!rv.ContainsKey(t.Id))
            rv.Add(t.Id, t);

    return rv.Values.ToList();



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