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useQuery 不返回数据,返回 function

[英]useQuery doesn't return the data and the function is returned

我正在尝试使用 react-query(useQuery) 获取我的应用程序中的聊天列表。 我的 API 调用在不同的组件中,我正在使用 Axios 来获取数据。 但是组件返回的是 function 本身而不是数据。哪个部分是错误的?

import { useQuery } from "react-query";
import axios from "axios";

const getContacts = async () => {
  const headers = { Authorization: localStorage.getItem("token") };
  const options = {
    method: "GET",
    url: "",
    headers: headers,
  const { data } = await axios.request(options);

  return data;
function GetUserDataUseQuery() {
  return useQuery("getContacts", getContacts);
export default GetUserDataUseQuery;

function getUserData() {
  const data = GetUserDataUseQuery;

  return (dispatch) => {
      type: GET_CONTACTS,
      payload: [],


const getContacts = async () => { /*...*/ }
const useGetContacts = () {
  return useQuery('getContacts', getContacts)

// `useGetContacts` is a hook, so it should be called inside of a 
// component or another hook - you *cannot* call a hook inside of a 
// simple function, which is what you're attempting to do inside `getUserData`

function MyComponent() {
  const contacts = useGetContacts();
  // ...

或者,如果您确实想像使用 function 一样使用getContacts ,那么就不要将它包装在useQuery中,因为这会将它变成一个钩子。

async function getUserData() {
  const data = await getContacts()
  // ...


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