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如果在 yup Schema 验证中任何字段非空,则不需要任何字段或需要所有字段

[英]Either no field is required or all fields are required if any of the field is non-empty in yup Schema validation

场景:我有 4 个字段,我想使用 Yup 验证模式进行验证

  • 假设如果用户为上述 1 个字段中的任何一个输入值,则必须要求其他 3 个

  • 如果用户没有为 4 个字段中的任何一个输入值,则不需要任何字段

  • 因此,我想说的是,如果所有字段都为空,则不需要任何字段,并且假设任何一个字段都为非空,那么所有字段都是必需的!


const validationSchema = Yup.object({
  field1: Yup.mixed().when(["field2", "field3", "field4"], {
    is: (...fields) => fields.some(Boolean),
    then: Yup.mixed().required(),
    otherwise: Yup.mixed().notRequired()
  field2: Yup.mixed().when(["field1", "field3", "field4"], {
    is: (...fields) => fields.some(Boolean),
    then: Yup.mixed().required(),
    otherwise: Yup.mixed().notRequired()
  field3: Yup.mixed().when(["field2", "field1", "field4"], {
    is: (...fields) => fields.some(Boolean),
    then: Yup.mixed().required(),
    otherwise: Yup.mixed().notRequired()
  field4: Yup.mixed().when(["field2", "field3", "field1"], {
    is: (...fields) => fields.some(Boolean),
    then: Yup.mixed().required(),
    otherwise: Yup.mixed().notRequired()


  • 循环依赖,节点是:“field4”


我有循环问题,但我有三个字段。 我不想输入任何字段,或者必须输入所有三个字段。

此链接: https://github.com/jquense/yup/issues/176#issuecomment-369925782帮助但对我不起作用。 但经过一些调整后,我让它工作了; 这对我有用。

const SettingsSchema = Yup.object().shape({
    password: Yup.string().ensure()
      .when(['new_password', 'confirm_password'], {
        is: (new_password, confirm_password) => new_password !== '' || confirm_password !== '',
        then: (SettingsSchema) => SettingsSchema.required(t('Password is required.')),
    new_password: Yup.string().ensure()
      .when(['password', 'confirm_password'], {
        is: (password, confirm_password) => password !== '' || confirm_password !== '',
        then: (SettingsSchema) => SettingsSchema.required(t('New Password is required.'))
          .min(8, t('Password cannot be shorted than 8 characters.')),
    confirm_password: Yup.string().ensure()
      .when(['password', 'new_password'], {
        is: (password, new_password) => password !== '' || new_password !== '',
        then: (SettingsSchema) => SettingsSchema.required(t('Confirm Password is required.'))
          .oneOf([Yup.ref('new_password')], t('New Password and Confirm Password must match.')),
  }, [['password', 'new_password'], ['password', 'confirm_password'], ['new_password', 'confirm_password']]);


  • shape的最后一个参数是一个包含 arrays 对的数组。

在撰写本文时,该部分的文档还不是很清楚。 https://github.com/jquense/yup#objectshapefields-object-nosortedges-arraystring-string-schema


  1. 在每个字段上,我调用.ensure() 这确保如果值undefinednull ,它们将被转换为空字符串。
  2. 因为您有四个字段,所以您需要在字段对数组中添加一对作为shape的最后一个参数。


const schema = Yup.object().shape({
  field1: Yup.mixed().ensure().when(["field2", "field3", "field4"], {
    is: (field2, field3, field4) => field2 !== '' || field3 !== '' || field4 !== '',
    then: (schema) => schema.required(),
    otherwise: (schema) => schema.notRequired()
  field2: Yup.mixed().ensure().when(["field1", "field3", "field4"], {
    is: (field1, field3, field4) => field1 !== '' || field3 !== '' || field4 !== '',
    then: (schema) => schema.required(),
    otherwise: (schema) => schema.notRequired(),
  field3: Yup.mixed().ensure().when(["field1", "field2", "field4"], {
    is: (field1, field2, field4) => field1 !== '' || field2 !== '' || field4 !== '',
    then: (schema) => schema.required(),
    otherwise: (schema) => schema.notRequired(),
  field4: Yup.mixed().ensure().when(["field1", "field2", "field3"], {
    is: (field1, field2, field3) => field1 !== '' || field2 !== '' || field3 !== '',
    then: (schema) => schema.required(),
    otherwise: (schema) => schema.notRequired(),
}, [["field1", "field2"], ["field2", "field3"], ["field3", "field4"], ["field1", "field4"]]);

我知道具有三个字段的示例在我的代码中使用它时有效。 四个参数的例子是从三个参数的例子派生出来的,我没有测试,所以我不确定是否完全正确。


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