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git 从另一个分支变基到当前分支的快捷方式

[英]git shortcut to rebase from another branch onto the current branch

我想重新设置分支并将其签出到当前分支而不先签出。 这节省了检出旧存储库 state 并重新编译它所涉及的文件的时间。


A -> B -> C (HEAD -> main)
  D -> E (old)

我想要以下。 基本上检查old和 rebase 在main之上。

A -> B -> C (main) -> D -> E (HEAD -> old)


git checkout old
git rebase main

问题是我几个月前在old分支上工作。 检查它会触及许多文件。 存储库很大,如果这样做,我将需要花费数小时重新编译。 我真正想做的是以下几点:

# Don't update 'main'
git checkout --detach

# Automatically cherry-picks commits after the common ancestor,
# just like a 'rebase' from that branch would do.
git cherry-pick main..old

# Update the branch ref
git branch -f old HEAD

# Check out the "rebased" branch
git checkout old



git config --global alias.checkoutrebase '!git checkout --detach && git cherry-pick HEAD..$1 && git branch -f $1 HEAD && git checkout $1 && :'

Bash 完成(添加到 ~/.bashrc): __git_complete checkoutrebase _git_checkout


# Rebase another_branch onto the current HEAD and check it out
git checkoutrebase another_branch



# Setup
git init --initial-branch=main
touch one two
git add one two
git commit -am A
echo D > two ; git commit -am D
echo E > two ; git commit -am E
git branch old
git reset --hard HEAD~2
echo B > one ; git commit -am B
echo C > one ; git commit -am C
# State before
git log --all --graph --oneline
* 203b3f2 (HEAD -> main) C
* ee8761e B
| * aaf8ea8 (old) E
| * 0e592b1 D
* fede4c2 A

# Run the above alias
git checkoutrebase old
HEAD is now at 203b3f2 C
[detached HEAD 11bca25] D
 Date: Mon Jan 10 16:47:13 2022 -0800
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
[detached HEAD 7e22429] E
 Date: Mon Jan 10 16:47:17 2022 -0800
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Switched to branch 'old'

# State after
git log --all --graph --oneline
* 7e22429 (HEAD -> old) E
* 11bca25 D
* 203b3f2 (main) C
* ee8761e B
* fede4c2 A


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