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ZCCADDEDB567ABAE643E15DCF0974E503Z 错误 MissingSchemaError: Schema 尚未为 typescript 中的 model 注册

[英]Mongoose error MissingSchemaError: Schema hasn't been registered for model in typescript

花费大量时间在互联网上进行研究。 在这种情况下,我无法找出我遗漏了什么。 请帮助我,非常感谢!

Permission.ts(这是 Permission model 文件。它通过“ModelID”与模块 model 有参考)

import mongoose from 'mongoose';

// An interface that describes the properties
// that are requried to create a new User
interface PermissionAttrs {
  Code: string;
  Name: string;
  Description: string;
  ModuleID: string;
  Active: boolean;
  CreatedByUserID: string;
  UpdatedByUserID: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;

// An interface that describes the properties
// that a User Model has
interface PermissionModel extends mongoose.Model<PermissionDoc> {
  build(attrs: PermissionAttrs): PermissionDoc;

// An interface that describes the properties
// that a User Document has
interface PermissionDoc extends mongoose.Document {
  Code: string;
  Name: string;
  Description: string;
  ModuleID: string;
  Active: boolean;
  CreatedByUserID: string;
  UpdatedByUserID: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;

const PermissionSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
    Code: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
    Name: { type: String, required: true },
    Description: { type: String },
    ModuleID: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Module' },
    Active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
    CreatedByUserID: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
    UpdatedByUserID: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
    createdAt: { type: Date, default: Date.now() },
    updatedAt: { type: Date },
    timestamps: true,
    toJSON: {
      transform(doc, ret) {
        ret.id = ret._id;
        delete ret._id;
        delete ret.__v;

PermissionSchema.statics.build = (attrs: PermissionAttrs) => {
  return new Permission(attrs);

const Permission = mongoose.model<PermissionDoc, PermissionModel>(

export { Permission };

Module.ts(这是模块 model 文件)

import mongoose from 'mongoose';

// An interface that describes the properties
// that are requried to create a new User
interface ModuleAttrs {
  Name: string;
  Description: string;
  Active: boolean;
  CreatedByUserID: string;
  UpdatedByUserID: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;

// An interface that describes the properties
// that a User Model has
interface ModuleModel extends mongoose.Model<ModuleDoc> {
  build(attrs: ModuleAttrs): ModuleDoc;

// An interface that describes the properties
// that a User Document has
interface ModuleDoc extends mongoose.Document {
  Name: string;
  Description: string;
  Active: boolean;
  CreatedByUserID: string;
  UpdatedByUserID: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;

const ModuleSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
    Name: { type: String, required: true },
    Description: { type: String },
    Active: { type: Boolean, default: false },
    CreatedByUserID: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
    UpdatedByUserID: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
    createdAt: { type: Date, default: Date.now() },
    updatedAt: { type: Date },
    timestamps: true,
    toJSON: {
      transform(doc, ret) {
        ret.id = ret._id;
        delete ret._id;
        delete ret.__v;

ModuleSchema.statics.build = (attrs: ModuleAttrs) => {
  return new Module(attrs);

const Module = mongoose.model<ModuleDoc, ModuleModel>('Module', ModuleSchema);

export { Module };


import { Permission } from '../models/permission';
const Items = await Permission.find()
        .or(filter || {})
        .sort(sort || {})
        .skip(start || 0)
        .limit(length || 0);



“Mongoose 错误 MissingSchemaError:尚未为 model 模块注册架构”

我今天的所有时间都用来找出问题,但不能。 请帮帮我,我错过了什么?


import { Module } from '../models/Module';
import { Permission } from '../models/permission';
const Items = await Permission.find()
        .or(filter || {})
        .sort(sort || {})
        .skip(start || 0)
        .limit(length || 0);


解释是您需要执行以下行来注册Module model 的模式:

const Module = mongoose.model<ModuleDoc, ModuleModel>('Module', ModuleSchema);


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