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构建从 linq 到 ef 核心的动态 where 查询

[英]Building dynamic where query from linq to ef core

我的 model 如下所示

public class Country
  public int Id {get; set;}
  public string Name {get; set;}

public class User
 public int Id{get; set;}
 public string FirstName {get; set;}
 public string LastName {get; set;}
 public string Email {get; set;}

public class Company
  public int Id{get; set;}
  public string Name {get;set;}
  public string City {get; set;}
  public string Address1 {get; set;}
  public string Address2 {get; set;}
  public int CountryId{get; set;}

  public Country Country{get; set;}
  public ICollection<CompanyUsers> CompanyUsers {get; set;}

public class CompanyUsers
 public int Id{get; set;}
 public int CompanyId {get; set;}
 public int UserId {get; set;}

 public Country Country{get; set;}
 public User User{get; set;}

我想让用户能够通过Country, Company or User class中定义的任何属性搜索 Company 记录, Id 属性除外

我尝试查看此SO 讨论,但它不处理导航属性。 有人可以帮助我构建动态 where 子句,包括导航属性中的属性。



public class SearchField
  public string Key { get; set; }
  public string Value { get; set; }


您需要更改假设,以便 SerchField 中的属性名称可以包含属性路径的定义,例如Company.CityCompany.Country.Name以及属性FirstName 你需要处理它:


Expression columnNameProperty = Expression.Property(pe, fieldItem.Name);


Expression columnNameProperty = GetPropertyExpression(pe, fieldItem.Name);

Expression GetPropertyExpression(Expression pe, string chain){
    var properties = chain.Split('.');
    foreach(var property in properties)
          pe = Expression.Property(pe, property);

    return pe;

基本上,这段代码的作用是在创建属性链的每个循环上应用属性而不是先前修改pe变量。 实体框架将处理它并创建适当的连接。 这仅适用于单一关系,不适用于 collections。


public class FilterLinq<T>
    Expression GetPropertyExpression(Expression pe, string chain)
        var properties = chain.Split('.'); 
        foreach(var property in properties)
           pe = Expression.Property(pe, property);

        return pe;

    public static Expression<Func<T, Boolean>> GetWherePredicate(params SearchField[] SearchFieldList)

        //the 'IN' parameter for expression ie T=> condition
        ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), typeof(T).Name);

        //combine them with and 1=1 Like no expression
        Expression combined = null;

        if (SearchFieldList != null)
            foreach (var fieldItem in SearchFieldList)
                //Expression for accessing Fields name property
                Expression columnNameProperty = GetPropertyExpression(pe, fieldItem.Name);

                //the name constant to match 
                Expression columnValue = Expression.Constant(fieldItem.Value);

                //the first expression: PatientantLastName = ?
                Expression e1 = Expression.Equal(columnNameProperty, columnValue);

                if (combined == null)
                    combined = e1;
                    combined = Expression.And(combined, e1);

        //create and return the predicate
        return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, Boolean>>(combined, new ParameterExpression[] { pe });



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