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react-router-dom“No match 404”在使用“useParams”进入路径时被渲染

[英]react-router-dom "No match 404" get rendered when going to a path with "useParams"

我正在使用 react-router-dom No Match404 并且它工作正常但是当使用 useParams 进入路径 a 时,它会呈现 404 页面,代码如下:

{/* Here it works fine it renders the routes */}
<Route path='/' exact component={Home} />
<Route path='/help' component={Help} /> 
<Route path='/signup' component={Signup} />

{/* The 404 page that render when a path does not exists */}
<Route component={Page404} />

{/* but when I try to render the route with useParams which is the uid I get from firebase it just render the Page404 */}
<Route path='/user/:uid' component={Profile} />

{/*-----------------Profile page------------------------*/}
// heres the profile page that uses useParams

import { useParams} from 'react-router-dom'
import {auth} from './firebase/config'

function Profile() {

  let { uid } = useParams();

  // here I have a variable that get a signed in user Unique Id from firebase 

  const [userId, setUserId] = useState('') 
  auth.onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
  if (user) {
    // User logged in already or has just logged in.
  } else {
    // User not logged in or has just logged out.

if (uid === userId ) {
  return <div>This is your profile</div>
  return <div>This is someone elses or it does not exist</div> 


当我删除 404 路由时,此代码运行良好,但是当我放置它时,配置文件路由会呈现 404 页面。

有没有办法拥有 404 页面,但仅在路由实际不存在时才呈现。



{/* but when I try to render the route with useParams which is the uid I get from firebase it just render the Page404 */}
<Route exact path='/user/:uid' component={Profile} />

{/* The 404 page that render when a path does not exists */}
<Route component={Page404} />

选中此不匹配 (404)



 <Router> <Switch> <Route exact path="/" component={Hello} /> <Route component={NotFound} /> </Switch> </Router>

假设您已将路由渲染到Switch组件中,那么您需要记住,在专门匹配/渲染路由时,路由路径顺序和特异性很重要! 这是因为Switch组件匹配并呈现与该位置匹配的第一个子<Route><Redirect>


<Switch>的独特之处在于它专门渲染了一条路由。 相比之下,每个匹配位置的<Route>都会以包含的方式呈现。

如果您首先列出不太具体的路径,它们将被匹配和渲染。 您应该以特定性的相反顺序对路径进行排序。 如果正确完成,几乎* 0% 的用例需要exact道具(包含匹配路由器中的路由时更有用)。

  <Route path='/user/:uid' component={Profile} />
  <Route path='/help' component={Help} /> 
  <Route path='/signup' component={Signup} />
  <Route path='/' exact component={Home} /> // *
  <Route component={Page404} />

* 在主页"/"路径上使用的exact属性,以防止它与任何其他非主页组件匹配。

假设你有另一个块 ex。 <Layout> ,确保不要在<Switch><Route>之间放置任何块

        <Route exact path="/" component={Hello} />
        <Route component={NotFound} />


        <Route exact path="/" component={Hello} />
        <Route component={NotFound} />


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